6 || Motes of Forgiveness

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The princess was prepared for the singeing flames from the Vahan royals that would graze her skin

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The princess was prepared for the singeing flames from the Vahan royals that would graze her skin. They had been forgotten as they arrived into the Kingdom of Wyrith and she wouldn't blame them for their anger. Not only was it pure disrespect, it was embarrassing to treat their potential allies in such a way. She could only hope they would find some semblance of forgiveness in their hearts.

Informing them about the Necromancer's Curse was off the table. Ilyana needed to think of something and fast before she reached the entrance foyer.

"Illy!" Clove called from behind her. "Wait up!"

She slowed her steps with a sigh. It was only because she needed more time to conjure an explanation worthy of a king, not because of the new shadow she had acquired. "You should be resting," Ilyana began. "Even if I healed you earlier, you were still on the brink of death. You need time to get your energy back."

From the placement of the moon that cascaded light in through the windows, she could tell it was already midnight. The decor of the halls of the castle was kept simple in comparison to the main rooms. A bright coat of cream paint covered the walls, only broken up by the occasional door, potted plant, or table with various ornaments sitting on top.

"I can rest when you do," the captain insisted. "I've been asked to keep you safe and so I will."

Ilyana tried to hide her scowl. Everything was working against her today, it seemed. What a wonderful birthday it had been. If both her father and Clove were adamant about her being her personal guard, that didn't mean she had to engage in any sort of conversation.

"Your father's orders out-rank yours, so there's nothing you can do about it right now," she continued. The constant sound of her voice made it difficult to think. At the silence that she received in return, Clove quickened her pace until she stood in front of the princess. "Don't think about giving me the silent treatment either."

No matter how much Ilyana attempted to walk around her, the captain matched her steps in a dance of desperate pleas and yearning mercy. As much as she didn't want to face the past, she had no choice but to meet her captivating, olive eyes.

"Please, Illy. Don't shut me out. I don't need your forgiveness, but let me try and make it up to you." She placed her hands on the princess' shoulders, squeezing them softly.

"Over a decade of silence is a lot to make up for."

Clove grinned. "It's a good thing that I'm not planning on going anywhere ever again."

Ilyana shrugged out of her hold. "I have Vahans to meet with and they've been waiting for long enough. You heard the servant yourself." When she tried to continue down the hall, the captain moved into her path again.

"But you'll give me a chance, right? One more chance until I mess things up again. Getting letters back to Wyrith was out of my control! I want to try and get back the friendship we used to have."

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