please understand me (2)

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Pond felt like he was drowning in a sea of despair. Three days. Three agonizing days since he'd seen Phuwin and Joong, their laughter ringing in the cafe, their bodies so close, Joong's arm possessively around Phuwin's waist. It was a scene that had ripped open a wound in Pond's soul, a wound he'd been desperately trying to ignore for days.

He hadn't left the house, hadn't even tried to face the world. The pain was too much, a constant ache that pulsed through his veins, a reminder of the love he'd held so close, a love that seemed to be slipping away.

Phuwin's pov

"What happened to you Dunk and why is Pond absent? You seem stressed lately," Phuwin's voice, a tremor of worry in it, cut through the air.

Dunk's sigh was heavy, a weight of unspoken words. "I'm fine, but Pond isn't."

"What do you mean?" Phuwin's confusion was palpable.

Dunk took a deep breath, his voice barely a whisper. "Pond... he liked you.  But you like Joong, and you've been avoiding him, and..."

"What?" Phuwin's voice was sharp, disbelief lacing his words.

"Let me finish, Phu," Dunk said, his voice pleading. "You know, Pond liked you. So much. More than himself. And that day at the cafe, he saw you and Joong... so close. He couldn't accept it. Phuwin, listen, Pond is so in love with you."

The world seemed to stop for Phuwin. His heart, which had been a tangled mess of confusion and longing, was suddenly struck by a bolt of revelation. He couldn't believe it.  He had been so blind, so focused on his own feelings that he hadn't seen the way Pond looked at him, the way his eyes lit up with a love that was both tender and fierce.

"Where is Pond? I need to talk to him," Phuwin's voice was urgent, a desperate plea.

"What for? To make him more hurt?" Dunk asked, his voice laced with a bitter edge.

"Please, I also liked Pond. Just ask Joong about the details, but I need to see Pond," Phuwin pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion.

"What...? He's at my house," Dunk said, his voice a mix of surprise and frustration.

Phuwin didn't hesitate. He rushed out, his heart pounding with a mixture of guilt and hope. He found Pond on the balcony, his back to the world, his shoulders slumped with despair.

"Phuwin?" Pond whispered, his voice barely audible, filled with a mixture of fear and longing.

Phuwin slammed the door shut, the sound echoing through the silence. He walked towards Pond, his eyes filled with tears. He wrapped his arms around Pond, holding him tightly, his own heart breaking at the sight of Pond's pain.

"I love you, Pond," Phuwin whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

Pond's eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat. He couldn't believe it. Phuwin, his beloved Phuwin, was confessing his love. A wave of emotions crashed over him, a mixture of disbelief, joy, and a relief so profound it almost hurt.

Phuwin pulled away, his eyes searching Pond's face, pleading for understanding. "It's true. Everything Dunk said. Joong and I, we were just acting for a few days. Joong likes Dunk, and I... I like you, Pond. More than a friend."

He poured out his heart, his voice trembling with the weight of his emotions. He confessed his confusion, his fear of rejection, and how he'd sought Joong's help, leading to the plan to make Pond jealous. He had been so lost, so unsure, and now, seeing the depth of Pond's love, he realized the terrible mistake he had made.

"So you mean, you and Joong were just acting, and Joong likes Dunk, and you like me? It's true, isn't it?" Pond asked, his voice still shaky, his heart filled with a mixture of hope and disbelief.

Phuwin nodded, his eyes filled with a love that was both tender and fierce. "Yes, Pond. I like you. And only you. More than a friend."

With that, he leaned in, his lips brushing against Pond's. It was a gentle kiss, filled with a tenderness that made Pond's heart soar. He closed his eyes, surrendering to the moment, to the feeling of being loved.

The door swung open, interrupting their embrace. Joong and Dunk stood in the doorway, hand in hand, their smiles mischievous.

"Not interrupting anything, are we?" Joong said, his voice laced with a playful teasing.

Phuwin and Pond looked at each other, their eyes filled with a mixture of love and amusement.

"Not at all," Phuwin said, his voice filled with a newfound confidence.  "Come in, guys.  We have a lot to talk about."

The door closed behind them, leaving Pond and Phuwin standing there, their hands intertwined, their hearts overflowing with happiness. 

"Okay guys let's make things straight"
Dunk said ,as he sat down at the sofa he then started explaining that the day pond saw phuwin and joong. When joong saw pond he immediately pulled phuwin and whispered that pond is coming their way and that they should show affection,just to make pond jealous but didn't mean to cause harm on pond.

"So you're saying that was just an act?" Pond said with a mysterious face like he is about to do something.

"Of course, and just to let you know Pond , Dunk is the one I love ,and me and phuwin are just close friends."
Joong said proudly

"Yes it was just an act......."
Pond hit joong's head hard with a pillow "but you dared to touch him like that" pond said with a possessive voice

"Ohho so you've already recoverd huh" phuwin said with a teasing voice

"Yeah phuwin is right and you just reconciled seconds ago but you acted like his boyfriend" dunk said

"Well he likes me and I like him so it means ..." Pond said with a grin and a proud face "that we are together "

"Ohh wow you haven't ask me yet"

"Ok ok  but let us leave first, we don't want to witness something..."
Joong said but  Dunk suddenly slapped his hand

"Yeah ,yeah let's go, Pond text me where your done here" dunk said teasing

"You might as well as stay in a hotel for tonight or maybe you can go straight to Joong's room"Pond replied back

"Shut up with your nonsense"
Phuwin shouted as he pulled Pond

"Yeah let's go Dunk" Joong said as he pulled Dunk to the door and slammed it shut

Phuwin's pov

When  Joong and Dunk left
I was shocked when I felt someone hugging me from behind,and it was Pond. "You made me suffer this bad , don't you feel guilty?'

"Ohh come on Pond I didn't for this to happen please forgive me"

"How could I forgive you when you let Joong touch you like that huh?"

"It was just an act ,and besides we are close friends it's normal"

"So if you're my boyfriend, would you stop doing that"

"Maybe "

"So will you become my boyfriend?"

"I don't know " I replied as I pull away from the hug and sat back in the sofa,and looked at his with my innocent and loving eyes

"I'll take it as a yes then" after Pond said that he sat and pulled me tight into his embrace.

"Sure my boyfriend"

"Please promise me that you won't ever leave me again Phu , I love you more than you think , and you don't need to make me jealous again as you know I'm already head over heels for you"

"I promise that I won't ever leave you"

"I love you phu"

"I love you too POND NARAVIT"


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