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"Ungh." I rolled over.

"Mika, you need to get up."

"Go 'way," I said, swatting at the hand shaking my shoulder. "I'm sleeping."

Amaia chuckled. "I can see that, but it's time to get up. It's nearly eleven."

"What?" I shrieked, trying to get out of bed in my rush to find my scrubs and bolt for Mass General. I kicked blindly at the sheets tangled around my legs preventing me from getting my feet to the floor.

"Will you calm down," Amaia shouted at me. "It's holiday for God's sake!"

I stopped thrashing and cursing at the sheets. "What?"

"You have a day off."

"I do? Wait, what? What holiday?"

Amaia looked at me like she was evaluating my mental stability. Three weeks doing psych part-time and she was trying to diagnose me?

"Good luck," I muttered.


"Nothing." I pushed the restrictive material from my legs and stood up. I swayed on my feet. Amaia reached out to still me.

"I'm sorry, but you asked me to wake you before lunch. I was about to head out."

"Do you have to go?" I asked, my hands reaching out for her hips and my fingers moving beneath her clothes to caress the skin at her waistline.

Amaia leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. That, right there, was the highlight of our intimacy since starting rotations, but only if you discount her holding me on the nights, I came back exhausted and sobbing. Emergency had me working from sunrise to after sunset most days for weeks, and every time I had a day off, I was disorientated and looking for the next adrenaline rush. Trauma had become addictive, but I wasn't ready to admit that out loud.

Amaia caressed my cheek. "I was about to head over to the school to use the lab while its quiet. I'll be back in a couple of hours."

"Please stay," I said, pulling her close and kissing her neck.

She ran her fingers through my hair for a moment, but stepped back with a sigh, said something about not spending the day rotting my mind with television and left.

After stumbling to the kitchen, I found she'd left food for me. Lifting a lid, I smiled and made a cooing noise before devouring the plate of mini quiches with a side of bacon.

I sent her a text.

M: I totally love you right now :) <3

A: I gather you found the bacon.

M: You know it ;)

A: I figured you were low on your cholesterol intake this month. Look in the fridge.

I did and nearly swooned.

M: Cupcakes!!!!!!! 😊😊😊 XXXXX

A: You're such a child.

She'd also done my laundry...again. Considering that involved walking the basket half a mile, waiting for it to wash and dry, then walking it back again, meant a lot. She'd been doing my laundry for a long time now, and I had a sudden bout of the guilts. Apart from scrubbing the odd colony of mold from the shower stall, I didn't contribute much in the way of housekeeping-even when I wasn't on ten-hour plus days.

BEAUTIFUL MESS [Book 2] | MIKHAIAHWhere stories live. Discover now