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Despite her best efforts, Jean didn't stay the night thanks to the lack of beds; however, she arrived early and cheerful the next morning. So early, in fact, that I had just fallen asleep after my fifth night of tossing and turning when she burst through the door with very little volume control.

"Morning, Amaia! Oh my, Mika. You're not still in bed are you?" she said, looking at me as she threw her scarf and coat at Amaia.

I watched Amaia accept the items through puffy, gritty eyes, and hang them without complaint. If I had tried that I would have been scrubbing the bathroom with a toothpick for months.

Peeved by that one little gesture, I rolled over and mumbled, "Clearly, I am." A quick glance at the clock as I rolled told me it was just past seven.

"I've been up for hours."

"Good for you," I mumbled again, my voice hoarse.

"Wake up sleepyhead," she said an instant before my covers were yanked off me.

"Jean, no," I heard Amaia say.

"What is wrong with you!" I screamed as the not-quite-warm apartment air hit my skin. In a tank top and knickers, I felt exposed and ready to punch someone. Jean looked like a tempting target as she stood there looking at me with a bright grin.

"Rise and shine," she said.

I stood with as much momentum as I could muster, fists clenched, and took a deep breath that was going to be the start of a spectacular tirade.

Amaia must have seen the murder in my eyes, because she swooped in and gave the covers back to me. "My room is free. Why don't you lay down a little longer?" A touch at my arm accompanied by a smile, and I let my heart rate slow and my breathing deepen.

"Thanks." I ignored Jean's giggles and plodded into Amaia's room.

"Leave her be," Amaia said to Jean. "She hasn't been sleeping well."

I closed the door softly behind me and pondered that statement. How did Amaia know I hadn't slept well? Did I look as bedraggled and tightly-wound as I felt? A glance in Amaia's mirror was a little concerning. My hair, as usual, was sticking up in all directions and my eyes were near hanging out of my head. The week had been long, had involved too many post-midnight cases, and despite new limits around working hours for students, lives came first. They always would.

I dropped my bedding to the floor and face-planted Amaia's pillow. Inhaling the rich scent of her, I sighed with contentment and shut my eyes.


"Hey," someone said, gently shaking my shoulder.

I swatted at them. "Go 'way."

A weight shifted the mattress as someone sat beside me. "I'm sorry, but everyone will be arriving soon. It's time to wake up."

With a long groan, I opened my eyes to find Amaia beside me. "I'm so tired."

"I can see that." Amaia rubbed my back. "You've had a long week."

I nodded against the pillow and moaned. "So long." Taking a deep breath that turned into a yawn, I asked, "Is Jean still here?"


I grunted.

"And so is Steph. She's currently trying to convince Elle to have an affair with her."

I shot into a vertical position. "What? How dare she."

Amaia shook her head with an unreadable expression on her face. "Get up, Mika Lopez," she said without inflection, leaving my side as well as the room. What was that all about?

BEAUTIFUL MESS [Book 2] | MIKHAIAHWhere stories live. Discover now