(7) What? No! She annoys me

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Zayden's p.o.v

I'm sitting on the front room couch, scrolling on my phone. As Luke played the game and Matt texted on his phone. My mom then comes down the stairs. "Hi boys" she greets. "Hi Mrs Davis" Luke smirked, causing Matt to smack his head. "Hey Mrs Davis" Matt greets, she smiles at them. "Zayden, do you know where Ziva is? She has a doctor appointment she's trying to avoid" she says, walking towards us. "You lost her?" I laugh. "No I did not lose her" she states.

Alexis then comes downstairs holding Ziva. "She's right here" Alexis smiles, putting her onto the ground. Mom then turns around and walk over to them. "Sweet, check ups are good, it won't hurt I promise" mom says, reassuringly, grabbing her hand. "Okay mama" Ziva answers as they exit the house. "Hey Alexis!" Luke says, causing me to look at him, why is he talking to her?. She didn't answer, she just smiled. Mom then walks back in. "Come on Alexis" she says, gesturing towards the door. She continues smiling looking nervous. They then leave. Is she going to the doctors too?

I turn to Luke. "Why are you saying hi, like your familiar with her?" I question, annoyed. He snickers "Because I am" he smirks, irritating me even more. "We seen her at the coffee shop, so we invited her to sit with us" Matt explains, causing Luke to nudge him. "Dude, I wanted him to keep that stupid look on his face" Luke snickers, causing me to turn my attention to Matt. "Why would you do that?" I question "because she's hot!" Luke exclaims, before Matt could answer. "Nothing smart ever comes out of your mouth, does it" i gripe, rolling my eyes. "Come on, I know you've looked at her. It's no denying she's sexy" he smirks. "Who else was there besides you two?" I ask, ignoring his irritating statement.

"Uhm, uh, Brittany and Alexis's friend Shay and...... Selena" Matt answers cautiously. "Why the fuck would you invite her to a table with Brittany and Selena?" I question, serious, and pissed. "I didn't invite her, Luke did" he states, putting his hands up in defense. I sigh rubbing my head. I hope they didn't say anything about me and Alexis knowing each other. Selena goes psycho if she feels threatened, even if I just talk to a girl.

"You didn't say anything about me and Alexis living together?" I ask, as their faces told me everything. "Dipshits" I groaned. "It's was an honest accident, you can't really blame me" Luke claims, making me wanna hit him. "I tried to make sure he said nothing, but his stupid ass slipped up anyways, basically said you guys know each other enough for you show her around, but she doesn't know you live together. "Great! Now Selena's gonna badger me about her" I groan. "My baddd....." Luke says dragging out the word.........

"That box is for Ziva, leave it alone" i state, swatting Luke's hand away from the pizza box. "I'm sure your 6 year old sister, who weighs like 60 pounds, doesn't need a whole box to herself" he groans, sure. "Yeah, I don't really care. I just know you can't have it" i state as my mom, Ziva and Alexis walked in. Hey mah, hey Ziva!" I exclaimed, as she ran to me and I quickly picked her up. "Saved you a whole box" I tell her, watching her face light up. "Thank you Zayven!" she exclaims, her eyes sparkling.

"Go and eat before you go to bed" mom says to Alexis. Before going upstairs. She walks past me and opens the fridge. "Hey Alexis" Matt greets, walking over to the stool. "Hi" she replies, her voice light. "Are you not gonna say hi to me" I remark, with a mocking smile. She rolls her eyes. "It's not like you said it to me" she states, annoyed with me. "Ooh, Zayven put me down!" Ziva whines, I put her down and she sprints to the bathroom. I turn my attention back to Alexis. "You don't have to so rude about it" I tell her, she scoffs.

"Says, you, when your a dick to literally everyone" she gripes, causing me to roll my eyes. "Yes, you keep saying that" I laugh, she groans looking visibly annoyed. She puts her middle finger up with an irritated expression on her face as she walked away. I roll my eyes, as I watched her back. Luke looks at me and snickers. "What?" I ask, unamused. "You wanna fuck her" Luke laughs. Causing Matt to spit out his drink. What the hell is he talking about? "What? No! She annoys me" I state, not really knowing why she irritates me. "Yeah, and that makes you want her even more" he snickers. I swear he needs some meds. "Fuck off" I sneered, walking away. "What?!" He shouts, as I went into the front room, slumping onto the couch. Who the fuck do I look like wanting her. Luke's final brain cell must've finally burned out............

I wake up thirsty as fuck, I head downstairs and see Luke and Alexis having a conversation in the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I question, walking up to them. "Talking, like normal people" Alexis replies, sarcasm lathered in her voice. I roll my eyes. "Yeah, we're talking" Luke says, smirking at her. He then steps closer causing her to flinch, as a result she drops a glass cup she was holding. "Are you serious" I groan. "Sorry, sorry" she frantically apologizes, crouching down and beginning to pick it up. Luke then does same. "Don't touch it!" I tell them, Luke quickly put his hands up.

"Ow" she yelped, cutting her hand. "Lexis, I told you not to touch it" I groan once more, irritated. "Go and deal with it, I'll clean up the glass" i state, she nods her head and leaves. "Get me the broom and dust pan" I gripe. "Oh, my bad" he laughs, going to get it. "Why were you bothering her?" I question, getting the glass up. "I wasn't, we we're just talking ,then you know, you saw. She suddenly dropped the cup. It's not my fault" he claims, as I threw the glass away. "Just leave her alone" I tell him, serious. He laughs.

"I fucking knew it, you do have a thing for her" he snickers, causing me to groan. "No, I don't, thats not it" i state, rubbing my head. "Sure, why else would you want me to stay away from her" he laughs. I want him to leave her alone, because something's obviously going on. Why does she flinch when a guy comes near her? "Fucking forget it" I groan, walking away. Hearing him chuckle as I did so. I went upstairs and went into Alexis room to see if she handled her cut or not. I scanned an empty room, realizing she's probably in the bathroom. I go in and see her struggling to bandages her hand. I roll my eyes at her incompetence.

"Let me do it" I tell her, I walk in front of her and grabbing her hand. She was silent, as I looked at it. "Did you disinfect it?" I ask, causing her to look up at me. I began staring into her soft, alluring grey eyes. "Uhm" she hummed, turning her head. "No, I didn't" she answered. I sighed getting out the rubbing alcohol, and pouring it onto her hand. She twitched trying not to show that it hurt, I scoffed at her efforts. I then began bandaging her hand. "Why are you startled when guys get close to you" I ask, my voice softened and gentle. She looks up at me and gulps. "I- uhm, no reason" she stammered, redirecting her eyes. I could tell she was lying, she wouldn't look at me. I put my thumb on her chin, tilting her head, so she could meet my gaze. "Why won't you tell me?" I questioned, trying to scan her eyes. Fear infiltrated her gentle eyes as a tear came out, concerning me. "Uhm- I'm gonna go to bed" she claims, quickly slipping past me. Leaving me there, confused, and............. Worried. I don't know why she was beginning to cry, but I didn't like it.

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