(15) Stop, because why are you telling me

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Alexis's p.o.v

"I don't wanna go!" Niki pouts, holding onto the teddy bear, Axel won, causing me to inhale. "Well, I have to go to school and you do too" I tell her, rolling out of bed. "No! I stay with you" she huffs, causing me to fold my lips. "I wanna stay with you too, but we'll see each other later. I promise" I tell her, pulling her out of bed so she can take a bath. After she takes a bath, we go downstairs so she could eat. "Morning" Laura smiled, giving us both plates of breakfast.

"Are you ready to go to school, Niki?" Laura asks, causing Niki to hold onto my arm. "No, i don't wanna go!" She shouts, causing me to sigh. As much as I don't wanna be separated from her for more than 3 seconds. We both have to go to school. Ugh! "I'll tell you what. After school, I'll take you and Ziva to the park" Laura tells her, causing her to smile brightly. She then ran up stairs, yelling. "Ziva!" I sighed, really not wanting to leave.

"Uhm, you sure, I can't stay?" I questioned, causing her to inhale. "She'll be here, I promise" she reassured. I folded my lips. "Okay" I mumbled, as Ziva and Niki came flying down the stairs. "Bye, Ziva, bye, Niki, I'll see you both later" I tell them, giving them hugs, and Niki a kiss. I then went outside, a few minutes later and Zayden came out. "You ready" he asks, causing me to fold my lips into a slight smile. "Uhm, actually uhm, Axel's gonna pick me up" I tell him, causing him to scoff. "Who's idea was that" he gripes, stepping closer. "It just makes sense, he's my boyfriend" I tell him, my voice lowered, watching his eyes roll. "Yes, know" he groans. "Fucking boyfriend" he mumbled, getting into his car and pulling off...........

"I'll see you after class, babe" Axel says, pecking my lips then leaving. "Heylo!" Shay screamed, running across the hall and hugging me. "How's dear Niki?" She asks, causing me to smile. "She's good" I tell her. "So, how are you and Matt?" I question, causing her facial expression to drop. "Still nothing! We flirt, we touch, but he still hasn't asked me out!" She whined, leaning her head on my shoulder. "You could still ask him out" I tell her, causing her lift her head and glare at me. "Sorree" I laughed, putting my hands up defense. I continued to laugh as the bell rang.............

"Oh shit" Shay gasps, I looked at her a bit concerned. "I left my jacket in the class room" she sighs. "Want me to get it?" I ask, causing her to exhale. "Thank you! Just drop it off whenever you come over. I have to get home!" He shouted as she ran down the hall. I turned around heading back to the classroom. I open the door and felt something jab me. As I seen Zayden.

He was kissing some brunette girl, as she sat on a desk. Their bodies pressed against each others. "Oh my gosh" I involuntarily mumbled. They broke the kiss, as Zayden's face turned to shock. I scoffed, trying to compose myself. I then walked over to Shay's desk and quickly grabbed her jacket. "Alexis" Zayden says, as I quickly left the room. I don't why I was...... hurt, by the fact he was kissing some girl. He can do what he wants, so why am I....... Angry? I quickly got over to Axel's car, getting in. "You okay?" He asks, scanning my face, as he started the car. "Yeah, I'm good. I just wanna get back to my sister" I say, half lying...........

I got home and went to the park with Laura and the girls. After the sun began to set, we went home. So the girls could go to bed. Laura put another bed in Ziva's room, so that where Niki was sleeping tonight. "Goodnight Niki, goodnight Ziva" I tell them, shutting the door, as they we're already asleep. I went to my room, and groaned as I seen Zayden standing in front my bed. "What do you want?" I griped, causing him to sigh. "About earlier, I-" he began to say but I quickly cut him off.

"Can you just go" I tell him, not wanting to see him, for some reason. "It didn't mean anything, I swear" he claims, stepping closer to me, his eyes gleaming with regret. "Stop, because why are you telling me" I state, annoyed, he inhaled. "Because-" he says, causing me to roll my eyes. "It doesn't matter, I don't care" I claim, redirecting my eyes. "So why are you angry?" He questions, our body's almost touching. "I'm not" I tell him, my eyes planted on the ground. "I don't believe you" he states, causing me to scoff.

"Well, it's the truth" I claim/gripe. "Okay, then look at me, and tell me your not angry" he tells me, I gulped, tilting my head up. My grey eyes meeting his intense emerald gaze. I didn't say anything, instead I fell into his entrancing eyes. He slid his hands onto my waist, causing me to inhale, as I put my hands over his. "Is this okay?" He asks, his voice low and soft, his thumbs stroking my waist. I know I should say no, and move his hands, but I didn't want to. I liked how his hands felt on my skin.

"Yes" I mumbled, looking into his eyes. "I am, angry" I tell him. "I know, and I'm sorry" he tells me, even though I shouldn't be mad. "But, you shouldn't be" I tell him. "Yeah, but I am" he replies, his eyes glancing at my lips. We both began to lean closer. Our lips brushed one another's, causing me to snap out of it. "Stop" I mumbled, turning my head. "We can't, I- I have a boyfriend" I state, as he let go, and backed away. "Yeah, I know that more than anybody" he mumbles, leaving my room. I sat on the edge of my bed wondering, if I was I really going to kiss him?

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