(10) Yes really, it's my first date!

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Alexis's p.o.v

"You can basically go shopping in my closet" Shay says, gesturing to her closet as she lied on her bed. "Are you sure" I ask, with unnecessary skepticism. She props herself up with her elbows and looks at with a plain expression. "Yes, I'm serious. Pick anything you want" she reassured. "Okay" i reply, walking to her closet looking around. I frown, realizing I can't really wear anything because of my bruises. "Uhm- can make up cover bruises?" I question, causing her to furrow her brows. "I hit my arm on the door way, so now it's pretty bruised" I claim, causing her face to relax. "Yeah it does, do you wanna borrow some?" She asks, back to her chipper self.

"That would be great" i smiled, going back to choosing an outfit. I chose a blue of the shoulder short sleeved crop top. With white skin tight jeans. "Ooooh! he'll faint when he see's you in that!" Shay exclaimed, she then groans. "I wish Matt would ask me out" she sighs, causing me to laugh. "Why don't you ask him out instead?" I tell her, making her blankly stare at me. "Never mind" I sang, putting my hands up defense. "This can't be your first date, your literally super pretty" she smiled, causing ,e to do the same. "Thank you, but yeah it is" I tell her, flopping onto the bed. "Really?" She asks, skepticism in her mellifluous voice. "Yes really, it's my first date!" i laugh, causing her to laugh. "Well, okay" she says, in a playful tone. "You have to tell me all about it. As soon as it's over!" She tells me, sternly, causing me to playfully roll my eyes. "I will" I laugh.............

I'm at home getting dressed. I'm so excited, I haven't looked forward to anything in a long time. I sigh, feeling like I shouldn't be having fun or enjoying myself, because Niki isn't with me. My eyes began threatening to pour water. I started to look up, trying not to let them. When Laura walked in. "Oh, wow! Alexis you look beautiful!" she exclaims, seriously. I could barely smile as I was still thinking of Niki. "What's wrong?" She asks, concerned, walking towards me. "I should call him and cancel" I say, causing her look at me confused. "Why?" She asks, I folded my lips. Then sighed, sitting onto my bed. She came and sat by me.

"I shouldn't be doing anything but searching for Niki" I explain, feeling terrible. She sighs. "You should go out an enjoy yourself. I'm the one who said I'll look for her, and I am. I will find her" she reassured, holding my hand. "But I'm her sister" I tell her, still feeling like shit. "Yes, I know. And she'll love to see you when we find her. But she'll want you to be happy before hand" she says, as I inhaled. "Now, come on. Let's not keep this boy waiting" she smiles. As I laughed at her. I calmed myself and went downstairs. "Have fun, okay" Laura says, rubbing my shoulders. " I will. And...... thank you, for everything" I tell her, genuinely, smiling. The door bell then rang. Laura smiled at me, shimmying her body. "Well go!" She exclaimed, gesturing towards the door. I laughed as I walked to it, opening the door, revealing a smiling Axel. "Wow, you- you look beautiful" he states, causing me to blush. "Thank you" I say, smiling. "You ready?" He questions. I grabbed his hand, locking my fingers with his. "Yes, I'm ready" i tell him, as we walked to his car.

We arrived at a carnival, my face lit up as we pulled into the parking lot. We then got out and held hands again. We entered, I smiled at all of the glowing lights and joyful faces. "What do wanna do first?" He asked as I smiled brightly at him. "I don't know" I laughed. He playfully pffted. "How bout the Ferris wheel then" he smiles, as I squeezed his hand out of excitement. We go over to the Ferris wheel and get on. I squealed as started it moving, getting higher and higher. "Wow, we're high" i state, looking down. "Are you scared of heights?" He asks, looking concerned. "No, no, I'm just saying, 'wow, we're high' " I laughed, causing his face to relax. "This view is so beautiful" i state, looking at the wonderful sunset. "Yeah" he mumbles, causing me turn to him. He wasn't looking at the sky, he was staring at me with his glittering, deep brown gaze. I laughed nervously, as my face began to heat up. A blush creeping up it. "Sorry" he apologized. "I didn't mean to stare" he says. "No, it's fine" I mumble, turning my head. . . . . .

"Here" Axel says, handing me cotton candy. "Thank you" I tell him, grabbing it. We than began walking, my eyes being drawn to a pink and white stuffed animal hanging from a game. Niki would like it. Axel followed my gaze. "Do you want it?" He asks. "I- yes but-" he cut me off. "Okay then. Hold this" he says, handing me his cotton candy. I smiled as he went over to the game. After a few hundred tries, and few hundred times of me telling him, it's okay I don't need it. He won, giving me the bear, putting a bright smile on my face. "Thank you" I laughed, as he smiled. "Yeah, no problem" he claims, causing me to laugh. We ate the rest of our cotton candy and made our way to a boat ride. He sat on the opposite side of the boat, in front of me. "Uhm, is it okay if I ask you question?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck. "Shoot" I reply, he then clears his throat. "Why do you- uhm, why do you live with Zayden?" He asks, shocking me a bit.

"I uhm, family problems. Laura took me in" I respond. "You know, until I can find my own place" I add. "Oh, alright" he mumbles. "Sorry I asked you that" he apologized. "No, it's fine. I'd ask too if I were you" I claim, laughing a bit. "You know, I was relieved when you said yes. I had thought you had feelings for Zayden" he expressed, causing my eyes to grow wide, taken aback. "No, no. Of course not! Why would you think that?" I ask, confused. I mean he's not wrong. Yes I have strong feelings for him, just not good ones. But I am grateful to him for......... being there, when I needed someone. "I've seen you guys hold hands, an him get extremely close to you. So I assumed you two had feelings for one another" he explains, bashfully. He must be talking about what Zayden did in front of the car, and how he's always grabbing my hand. I groaned thinking about it. "Zayden and I barely like each other" I claim, causing him to smile. "Good" he softly mumbled. As I began to stare into his shimmering, enchanting brown eyes, as he stared into mine. Leaning closer, and closer, until. Our lips touched, gently and sweetly connecting. Pressing softly together, causing butterflies in my stomach. We pulled away, smiles on both of our faces.........

I enter the house exhausted but ecstatic. We kissed! I cheesed just thinking about it. This was one of the best nights of my life. And before he dropped me off. He asked me to be his girlfriend! I said yes of course. I can't wait to tell Shay about it, and to give this teddy bear to Niki. I go upstairs and enter my room. I put the stuffed bear on my bed, as I heard my door open. I turned around to see an irritated Zayden. "What are you doing in here?" I ask, as his eyes roamed my body, quickly snapping back up to my eyes. "So your dating him?" he asks dryly. "Yes" I reply, as he stepped closer. "Why? He's a jerk" he claims, once again. I roll my eyes at his statement. He's such a hypocrite! "Nothing he's done or said, has proven that" I gripe, he scoffs. "He just wants to gets you into bed! How many times do I have to fucking tell you that" he sneers. "Okay, and maybe he  fucking will" i sneered, he scoffed at my response and backed up. "Yeah, fuck this" he mumbled, walking out of my room. "Ugh" I groaned, plopping onto my bed. He's such a dick!

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