Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

When Lucilia was done, she did not have the urge to relax in the bath because the water was dirty. She told Demetrius she was getting out and made sure he was firmly turned away with his eyes closed before she got out and dried herself off with a cloth that was provided. She had to ring her hair out a little bit longer than she would have liked, so she tried to very quickly put on her under garments and then sighed.

She did not want to sleep in full clothing.

"Are you going to be weird if I sleep in my under garments?" She asked Demetrius quietly.

Demetrius froze for a long second, "uhhh, can I turn around?"

Lucilia didn't know if she wanted him to. She was only in one layer, but she did say she wanted to sleep in this and there was only one bed in this room.

"I guess," Lucilia said in a whisper.

Demetrius waited, "I'm not going to turn around unless you are comfortable."

Lucilia looked down at herself again, she could not see anything through her clothes. Why was she so nervous about this?

Lucilia looked up at him again, "let me just get into bed first." She very quickly hopped into the bed and pulled the covers over her legs. "Okay, now you can turn around." She said it breathless and before she could make up her mind about feeling like she was still exposed or not.

Demetrius very slowly turned around.

"You okay?" He asked quietly.

Lucilia looked down and then nodded, "I think so."

Demetrius got up and looked at the eggs that were on the bed with her, "you're going to have to put that back on your stomach when they come to change the bathwater."

Lucilia frowned at him, "so will you."

He nodded, "while they change it, I will go get some food from downstairs. How many coins should I bring?"

Lucilia held out her hand, "let me see."

Demetrius came to the side of the bed and stood over her while he handed her his purse. Lucilia felt so in control of him in that moment that she was nervous. There were weapons all over the room that were hers and his. She had all of his money right now in her hands. She could injure him and leave and be fine.

Lucilia yawned in that moment, she was too tired to make a run for it.

She counted out what he needed, plus a little extra, then handed it to him. He took the leftovers and put his purse back with his bag full of stuff. "Do you have anything you really want to eat?"

Lucilia shook her head, "not really."

Demetrius nodded, "okay, but no fish, correct?"

"Correct," Lucilia laughed lightly."

"Do you want help getting the egg back in place?" Demetrius offered.

Lucilia looked at the egg and then back at him, "I don't think so?"

Demetrius raised an eyebrow, as if he didn't believe her, but he nodded. Lucilia reached for it and tucked it under her shirt and under the covers. Demetrius nodded and leaned over Lucilia to grab his pillow. He propped it under her back, giving her a better sitting position.

"I will get more pillows," he commented and then handed her the book and strapping his own egg to his stomach before leaving the room, leaving the door unlocked.

Lucilia had to take several deep breaths to get her heart to calm down. She did not open the book until the staff knocked on the door to change the bath water and bring the extra pillows.

Huntress [REWRITE] - NaNoWriMo 2023Where stories live. Discover now