Chapter 10

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The three of them left Undercroft for their first class of the day.

“Didn’t miss this part of the school, at all,” Ominis groused, breathless, as they finished their last climb up the stairs to the Charms Classroom.

Indeed, the school was full of long passages and staircases. But Sunan enjoyed the walk. The Charms Corridor was pretty on a sunny day like this, with sunlight filtering through the stained glass windows and painting the floor in soft amber hues. He took a deep breath in and filled his lungs with the smell of centuries-old wood and parchments, with a faint sweetness of cinnamon and pumpkin. The smell of Hogwarts. 

He felt some of the tension leave his body. He had to admit, he’d felt on edge since Undercroft. Both Sebastian and Ominis had voiced strong opinions on what he should do about the gang, and while he could appreciate their eagerness, he couldn't help but feel a bit miffed. Easy for them to talk; they were not the ones making the decision, and bear the weight of it.

When the three of them reached the classroom, Sunan told the others, “go ahead. I’m waiting for Natty.”

They did. Sunan stood by the door and fidgeted with his pocket watch. He clicked it open and shut with one hand, as his mind drifted back to the gang. He’d said he would wait for Morton’s owl, but he found himself wavering now. 

Perhaps he should take actions like Sebastian had suggested. Visit nearby hamlets and scope out the gang’s activities, see if he could learn more about this ‘Rookwood.’ Do whatever necessary to stop the gang from hurting more people, and getting closer to the Repository. 

Sunan snapped his watch shut and put it back in his waistcoat pocket. It was almost time for class now, but there was no sight of Natty. Perhaps she didn’t get his note in time. No matter, he would find another time to talk to her -

“Sorry I’m late!” 

Sunan turned his head. Natty was approaching him in quick strides, her burgundy-lined robe billowing at her steps. When their eyes met, her face split into a full, wide-mouthed smile, her deep brown eyes aglow with the morning light. The sight put him in mind of a doe running across a field.

Natty held her palms out in excitement. “You won’t believe what happened just now. There was an explosion in the Gryffindor dormitory.”

Sunan’s eyes rounded. “What?”

Natty bursted into a laugh. “I know! No one got hurt, thank Merlin. But - it’s so funny. It turned out Garreth had set up a brewing station in one of the storage rooms, and it tipped over when some first-year got lost and opened the door. You can imagine Professor Weasley’s face when she rushed into the scene.” 

He could, easily. The deputy headmistress had the misfortune of having her nephew attend Hogwarts during her tenure. Garreth’s relentless pursuit of inventing potions, and his blatant disregard for school rules, got him into too much trouble for her liking.

Sunan huffed. “In a storage room? What on earth was he trying to brew in there?”

“Who knows. That silly boy, always up to some kind of trouble.” Natty let out another laugh, a sound that brimmed with affection. She cleared her throat. “Anyways - you said you had something to tell me? What is it?"

Just then, a loud, energetic voice boomed out of the classroom: “Welcome - to the year six of Charms!” 

Their eyes darted into the room. Benches dragged and chatters subsided as Professor Ronen emerged from his office. He was donning his signature ensemble of purple and gold, and a matching kufi cap, with a gold tassel that brushed his grizzled hair as he greeted the class with gusto. 

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