Chapter 9 Karma

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(Again I'm so sorry this part took so long to come out again, I've been so busy. But hopefully I can get into a routine soon and y'all won't have to keep waiting. Anyways here's Chapter 9 of Sacrifice Sanctuary, I hope you enjoy!)

As we all got closer to the door I could see that its scene had changed, what used to be a big metal entry with moss growing on it was now a big black door with different color records and musical notes around it. "Let's cut to the chase guys," Mr. K started, "I know you are all so excited to participate so I'll sum it up for everyone. Each record will have the colors of the room that you sleep in and you will need to find and stand on it quickly. Then it will start moving either clockwise or counterclockwise and will keep switching until everyone falls off except for one person. There will be pathways going to each one but before the countdown of the game starts they will be removed. So you will be only a couple feet in the air I'd say.." The keeper paused. "Just 30 feet off the ground I'd say" The Keeper looked around to see if anyone broke a sweat or took a step back, anything out of the ordinary. He wanted to scare us all while still bringing comedy in the way he spoke. I no longer felt as much fear, just anger, when I heard the old man talk, I wished he'd be in the games with us and be the first to go.

"Alright kiddies, let's just go. Apparently none of you guys think I'm serious about the whole big drop or something so I'll just prove it to you all," Mr. K announced, rolling his eyes at us and walking away into the door. The Keeper walked to the edge of the platform motioning us to walk closer. Everyone hesitantly shuffled closer to where the Keeper was standing, some of the guys pushed people out of the way to get to the front to see better than anyone. The platform was big enough for everyone to see anyway, and it was just some water and a big drop so I don't know why they would even want to be rude about it. "Jeez watch it," I muttered under my breath after someone pushed me, though I didn't get to see who it was. They immediately turned around and I knew I had screwed up. "Watch your mouth idiot," he emphasized. The guy who pushed me was Dallas. "Shoot I should've just kept my damn mouth shut.." I regretted my decision. I had already fallen down the stairs and hurt my hand, head, and back, I wasn't looking to get any more beat up. Dallas shoved me and caused me to stumble backwards a little into the girl who was kissing up on Luke earlier at dinner the other night. "Shoot," I thought, "this is just the thing I need happening right now."

I turned around to face Mia to apologize for bumping into her, then Dallas kicked the back of my knee and made me fall forward. "I'm so sorry." I apologized to Mia, "dude can you grow up," I shot angrily at Dallas. "It was just a simple remark, no need to get so worked up about it," I said, turning back around clearly. "I don't mean to be so rude, I just have to make sure that no one is stupid enough to cross me," Dallas said proudly, then he walked away right to the front of the group of people. "What in the world is that guy about," I thought, "maybe he was using humor to cover up the fact that he watched someone die in front of him.. Woah, a little too tragic Dylan," I said to myself.

Dallas continued to walk towards the front of everyone, somehow managing to stumble into almost everyone until he got to the front. He now stood almost infront of Mr. K which I could tell annoyed him a lot. We all watched Dallas as he bent down near the edge of the platform. There was something seriously wrong with this guy. First he silently walked up and even started tearing up when he was about to go into the games with Harper. At that moment I thought he was a soft, emotional person, maybe it was because he was thinking about dying himself, but I thought he cared about the girl. Every human with a heart had to care about her, so I guess to a point he was worried of having murder on his hands. Then I thought he was a tough guy, pushing me back twice and getting in my face, but then he said he was just messing around. I wonder if this guy is even saine..

The Keeper suddenly shifted his body to the right, now menacingly standing behind Dallas, he put his foot up on his back. "What is he doing?" I wondered. Just as I finished that thought Mr. K had kicked Dallas off of the platform and sent him flying into the water below, Dallas screamed as he fell.

"So as you guys can all see, I wasn't lying," The Keeper scoffed. "Kids these days, too cocky," he shook his head. I'm not really sure why he even made it a big deal when no one said they disagreed with him. So much as a sneeze and he takes it the wrong way. "HEY!" We heard Dallas yell from below, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?" He screamed, then we all heard a splash. A couple of kids giggled throughout the crowd. I'm guessing they were the ones that got shoved by the guy. "Karma's a you know what, huh" someone chuckled, I look to see that it was Jessie. "Did you get shoved by him too, or are you just messing around?" I asked. "No, I totally got pushed by him, what an idiot, standing that close to The Keeper. Does he think that he's better than us just because he won one stupid game? People like that just get on my nerves. No wonder Mr. K kicked him when Dallas was trying to be all buddy buddy with him." Jessie rolled her eyes. "Yeah," I didn't have much to say.

Dallas had climbed up the long ladder now and he now stood in the same spot as before, but dripping wet. Mr. K raised a brow, almost daring Dallas to say something to him. Dallas didn't get the hint though, either he wasn't afraid of the Keeper or just too stupid to understand. I guessed the second option.

"WHY'D YOU KICK ME OFF MAN!?" Dallas yelled. He had some guts, and a messed up brain to be yelling directly at The Keeper, especially in this situation. "You're disqualified," Mr. K spat at him. "WHAT?" Dallas panicked, "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" "Yes I can, and I am. Go to your room. Now. You're lucky I'm still giving you dinner and dry clothes to change into after the stunt you pulled Sir. Now I don't want to have to call for any backup.. Or actually, I don't care. Guards escort him to his room out of my sight before I throw him back down in that water." Mr. K turned away to face the pit of water below the minigame. "Whatever old man," Dallas mumbled under his breath. Mr. cocked his head around, "Be harsh with it too, obviously this kid doesn't know when to stop." The Keeper grinned. The guards got up to Dallas and roughly gripped his arms and dragged him away. "How cliche," I thought.

"Now I'm going to use him as an example," The Keeper started. "If any guy decides that you want to treat people without respect, yell at me or the guards, or cause a big disturbance in the way I run things, you'll be punished." Mr. K announced. There was silence for a bit before someone spoke, "What will you do to them?" Rowan asked. "Well," Mr. K thought for a moment. "It really depends but in this instance, he's going to get a cut on food proportions tonight and we will be rougher on him until he changes his act. Also I'm thinking about randomly waking him up in the middle of the night a few times just to mess with him. As you can see, it's nothing too harsh. However, if it happens again, the consequences will worsen." The Keeper turned around. "Do we all understand?" He asked in an unserious tone. Many people agreed and shook their heads. "Alright so I can finally describe the game to you all," Mr. K smiled and held out a thumbs up.

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