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HIIIIIIII!!!! How are you guys? Cuz I'm amazing.....hahaha no. But anywhore! Love you guys hope you enjoy!

After we ate breakfast and walked around town for a while, Niall and I decided it was finally time to go home. Niall pulled into the driveway and we both got out. We started walking up the steps and before I knew it the door flew open and four boys were standing there. Liam rushed out and grabbed me in his arms.

"Where were you?" He said half relived-half what sounded like he was angry.

"We went to the beach," I replied back as innocently as I could. I didn't do anything wrong but I hate seeing my brother mad at me.

"You didn't bother to tell us anything!" Louis said once Liam let me go.

"We were so worried about you!" Zayn said and Harry nodded in agreement.

"We left you a note!" Niall said pushing past us and stepped inside the house. We all followed close behind.

"We didn't think you would be gone all night!" Liam said raising his voice about half an octave. He was definitely mad at us.

"Liam I understand that you and the guys were worried but that doesn't mean I'm not old enough to make my own decisions." I was turning nineteen in a month, and Liam was only a year older than me.

"Delaney! I'm letting you stay at my flat this summer you could at least have some courtesy for me."

"Me and Niall left you a note saying we would be gone!" I said matching my tone of voice to his. The four other boys realizing that this was between me and Liam stepped back into the other room but I knew that they were listening.

"I think I deserve a little more than a note!"

"I really don't want to argue about this right now!" I say turning my back to him.

"Delaney come back here right now."

"Your my brother not my dad." I yell down to him as I escape up the stairs. I rush into my room and throw my bag down. I collapse on my bed when I realize I'm shaking and tears are forming in my eyes. I haven't gotten into a fight with my brother in so long. We always just sat down and talked through but we never yelled at each other. Hopefully, this would all blow over soon.


After about ten minutes I have finally calmed down. I get up to go downstairs so I can talk to Liam. When I open the door, I stop in my tracks. I can hear Liam yelling at somebody. I slide down the door frame and listen as closely as I can.

"My sister....Cant believe...No right!" I hear Liam yelling, at who I'm guessing is Niall.

Why does Liam have to treat me like this, hes been doing it since we were little. It's lik it wasn't enough for him if mom and dad told me what do constantly he had to join in too. It was always like I had three parents, and now he was practically telling Niall what do too.

The yelling eventually quieted, when I heard someone coming up the stairs. I quickly tried to move so whoever it was couldn't see me but it was too late. The person rounded the corner and it was just Louis. He saw me sitting there and approached me.

"I'm guessing you just heard all of that." He reached down to help me up and I nodded.

Louis and I were always close so he walked into my room and onto my bed. He scoot over and motioned for me to sit next to him. I sat next to him and nuzzled my face into his chest. He put his arm around me and pulled me close. He smelled good, like detergent.

"Does Liam hate me and Niall now?" I mumble into his chest not even sure if he could make out what I had said.

"He's mad but he could never hate Niall and he loves you too much to hate you. He was worried sick... we all were."

"I'm sorry I made you worry about me."

"It's fine" I rearrange my self in his arms so I'm facing him. " So... what did you and Niall do??"

"Well we went to the beach and he rented out that little shack on the shore. We had a little fun... if you know what I mean. He also," I take a pause contemplating if I should tell him or not but along with Ally and Clarissa he is one of my best friends. I lower my voice and tell him, "He asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Finally!" he said with relief, "Wait, did you say yes?"

"Of course I did!"

"That took you guys long enough!"

"What do you mean? How long has he liked me?"

"You should ask him yourself." he said standing up from my bed and walking toward my door. "You want to come down and eat?"

"I think I'm going to stay in here for a while."


"Wait Louis!" I say as he reappears in my door. " Just don't tell anybody else...yet."

"I wasn't going to." He says with a grin, he knew me too well.

"Like a brother." That was our way of saying we love each other.

" Like a sister. " And with that he left, closing the door behind him.

Will they tell Liam or keep it a secret.... You will have to wait and find out! COMMENT/VOTE/ECT. I will always respond to pm's!!! Love you allllllll *MUAH*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2013 ⏰

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