Chapter 29 - Clouds and Chaos

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The sun had barely risen when Y/n groggily pulled himself out of the guest bed in a cozy room down the hall from Dumbledore's office.

After his late-night escape from the Gryffindor dormitory—where the boys' incessant animal impressions had driven him to seek refuge elsewhere—Dumbledore had offered him a quiet place to sleep.

Y/n stretched, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and glanced over at Kate, his loyal companion, who was perched near the window, watching the sunrise.

"Morning, Kate," Y/n mumbled, giving her a gentle pat. Kate chirped in response, fluffing her feathers in contentment.

As Y/n gathered his things, the door creaked open, and Dumbledore stepped inside, already dressed in his robes, with Fawkes perched on his shoulder. The phoenix let out a soft trill, which echoed around the room.

"Good morning, Y/n. I trust the accommodations were satisfactory?" Dumbledore asked, his tone light and teasing.

"Not bad, Albie," Y/n replied, grinning as he used the nickname he reserved for Dumbledore. "A bit too quiet, though. You know how much I love a bit of chaos to start the day."

Dumbledore chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Yes, I seem to recall your fondness for... shall we say, spirited company. But I thought you might appreciate a bit of peace before diving back into the usual Hogwarts mayhem."

Y/n snorted, shaking his head. "Peace is nice, but it can get dull. A little mayhem now and then keeps things interesting."

Kate fluttered over to Y/n's shoulder as he slung his bag over the other. "What do you think, Kate? Should we stir up some trouble today?" Y/n asked, giving her a playful nudge.

Kate chirped in agreement, her eyes gleaming mischievously.

Dumbledore smiled at the exchange, his hand gently stroking Fawkes' feathers. "I have no doubt you'll find a way to keep the day lively. Just remember, some of us are getting on in years and may not appreciate your brand of chaos quite as much."

Y/n raised an eyebrow, pretending to be offended. "Getting on in years? Speak for yourself, Albie. I'm as spry as ever."

Dumbledore laughed, the sound rich and full of warmth. "Indeed you are, my friend. Though I daresay Fawkes and I might have a bit more wisdom to temper our energy."

"Temper your energy? That's just fancy talk for being boring," Y/n teased, tossing Kate a small treat, which she caught expertly.

Dumbledore smiled, his eyes full of affection. "Perhaps. But I find that even the most mundane days can hold surprises. You never know what you might learn from the students—or the teachers, for that matter."

Y/n nodded thoughtfully, reaching out to give Fawkes a gentle scratch under the chin. The phoenix let out a soft, contented trill in response. "Fair point. But don't be surprised if I end up teaching a few lessons myself."

Dumbledore chuckled, his gaze warm. "I would expect nothing less from you. But do try not to undermine Professor Trelawney too much. She's rather sensitive about her craft."

Y/n grinned mischievously. "No promises, Albie. But I'll behave... mostly."

Dumbledore walked over to a small table where a silver dish of sherbet lemons sat. He picked one up and tossed it to Y/n. "A little something to sweeten your day. Consider it a token of my appreciation for your continued efforts to keep things... interesting."

Catching the sweet, Y/n popped it into his mouth, savouring the burst of flavour. He thought for a moment, then his eyes lit up with an idea. "You know what, Albie? I think it's time I returned the favour."

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