Ink and Memory

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No One's PoV

Thunder roared like the wrath of ancient gods, as lightning illuminated the tumultuous sky in brilliant flashes. Two figures, silhouetted against the tempestuous backdrop, could be seen locked in fierce combat. Their forms, larger than life, danced a deadly waltz above the treacherous ocean. Waves, monstrous and unforgiving, rose higher than the mightiest warships, swallowing whole any vessel unfortunate enough to be caught in their grasp.

The clash of metal on metal rang out, a sword meeting a scythe in a shower of sparks. The ocean spray mingled with the taste of ozone in the air, creating an atmosphere thick with tension and the promise of devastation. Above the titanic duel, the skies were alive with their own battle. The drone of propeller-driven aircraft mixed with the piercing shriek of jet engines as dogfights raged in three dimensions. The thunderous booms of artillery fire punctuated the cacophony as Kansen, anthropomorphic embodiments of warships, engaged in their own struggles, their rigging bristling with weaponry both archaic and futuristic.

"It's over, Fenrir!" bellowed one of the figures, his voice carrying over the din of battle. "It's time to end this pointless war!" His eyes, a striking combination of hazel and crimson, blazed with determination as he brandished his sword.

The other figure, a woman with flowing obsidian hair that whipped wildly in the gale, let out a laugh that sent chills down the spines of all who heard it. Her silver eyes flashed with a mixture of madness and possessive desire as she swiped at Leviathan with her massive scythe. "Ah, but it's just the beginning, my dear Leviathan!" She proclaimed with maniacal glee. "Soon the world will be ruled by you and me! Just as it's destined to be!"

Leviathan blocked her attack, the impact sending shockwaves through the air. He leaped back, putting distance between them as the massive 100-inch turret of his rigging swiveled to target his counterpart. "Hell to the no! I won't let you do that!" He roared. The turret fired with a deafening bang that shook the very fabric of reality. The armor-piercing round struck Fenrir square in the chest, the sheer force flinging her back like a rag doll.

But Fenrir was far from defeated. Righting herself mid-air, she cackled with unhinged mirth. Her own rigging, a nightmarish fusion of ship and beast, brought its main armament to bear. The 120-inch gun erupted, sending a high-explosive round hurtling towards Leviathan.

With inhuman reflexes, Leviathan swatted the incoming shell aside with his arm. The deflected projectile careened into a nearby Crimson Axis Kansen ship, erupting in a spectacular fireball that illuminated the battlefield. Leviathan's eyes narrowed as he glared at his laughing opponent, his resolve hardening.

"You asked for this!" he declared, his voice carrying the weight of countless lives lost in this conflict. "It's time to end this, Fenrir, Leader of the Crimson Axis!"

Fenrir's laughter redoubled, her silver eyes flashing with a potent cocktail of madness and possessiveness. "I agree, Leviathan, Leader of Azur Lane!" She cried, her voice dripping with twisted affection.

They charged at each other, their forms blurring with speed. The clash of their weapons sent shockwaves rippling through the air and water. Fenrir pressed her attack, her scythe a whirlwind of death. "Soon, my love, you will see the way!" She crooned, her voice a discordant mixture of affection and menace.

Leviathan met her blow for blow, his sword a blur of motion. In a decisive move, he locked her scythe in place, staring deep into her eyes. Hazel and crimson met silver in a battle of wills. "No," He said, his voice low and filled with finality. "This is it. There will be no more."

As he spoke, his rigging began to glow with an otherworldly light. The radiance intensified, growing brighter and brighter until it was painful to look at. Fenrir's eyes widened in shock and fear as she realized what was happening.

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