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No Ones PoV

In the shadow of Earth's demise, nearly two millennia have passed. The planet, once teeming with life, had been reduced to a mere whisper of its former glory. Yet, humanity—ever resilient—refused to fade into oblivion. From the ashes of civilization, they clawed their way back, rebuilding and adapting to a world forever changed.

For seven decades, progress was slow but steady. Then, without warning, the first signs of a new era emerged. Children began to be born with startling differences—mutations that defied scientific explanation and ignited both wonder and fear across the surviving populace.

In a small settlement nestled within the ruins of what was once North America, three extraordinary infants came into the world within days of each other. The first, a girl with delicate fox ears atop her head, soft fur the color of autumn leaves. The second, a boy whose lower back bore a sleek, feline tail that moved with a life of its own. But it was the third child who truly captured the imagination and fear of all who beheld her.

Born under a blood moon, the infant girl opened her eyes to reveal irises of liquid silver, shimmering like moonlight on still water. As news of her birth spread, so too did the whispers and theories.

Some saw in her the reincarnation of Artemis or Diana, ancient goddesses of the moon and the hunt, come to guide humanity in this new world. Others believed her to be a harbinger of a new age, the first of a generation that would reclaim and reshape the remnants of Earth. But there were those who looked upon her with suspicion and hatred, seeing in her silver gaze a threat to the fragile order they had built—a disease to be stamped out before it could spread.

As the years passed and more children with unique traits were born, society fractured along lines of acceptance and fear. Families were torn apart, communities divided, and a new social order began to emerge—one built on the perceived superiority or inferiority of these genetic anomalies.

But that was then. This is now.

A century has passed since those first extraordinary births, and the world of Remnant—as the survivors have come to call their home—has changed beyond recognition. The mutations have become more common, more diverse, and society has evolved around them. New technologies have arisen, powered by energies unlocked from the very genetic changes that once caused such fear.

Yet beneath the surface of this brave new world, ancient forces stir. Three souls, old beyond measure, have been reborn into this age of marvels and monsters. Two walk in blissful ignorance of their past lives, their ancient wisdom locked away in the deepest recesses of their minds. But the third... the third remembers everything.

Burdened with millennia of memories, victories, and regrets, this old soul must navigate a world both familiar and utterly alien. As events begin to unfold that will shake Remnant to its core, these three reincarnated beings find themselves at the center of a storm that has been brewing since the fall of old Earth.

Will they be the saviors of this new world, or the architects of its final destruction? Can the one who remembers guide the others to their true potential, or will the weight of the past prove too much to bear?

Prepare yourself for a tale of rediscovery, ancient power, and the fight for humanity's future. This is not just a story of rebirth, but of the very essence of what it means to be human in a world that has left that definition behind.

This is RWBY: Reborn. And nothing will ever be the same.
My PoV

I closed my book, that I was writing in as I set my pencil down. Standing up, I popped my neck, as I stared out the window of the Bullhead.

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