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Sitting comfortably on Mark's lap, Eleanora sipped the coffee in her glass while Arizona tried to get her, Mark, and Max to take different things from her and Callie's apartment.

Max was leaning against the counter, his cheek resting comfortably in the palm of his hand as he handed Callie duct tape for one of the boxes she was packing. Mark squeezed around his wife's waist, Eleanora laughing at him as he placed a few kisses on her neck.

"Okay! What do you think, Max? You know you've always wanted one of..." Arizona trails off, slamming the top of the kitchen appliance as she tries to get Max to take it. "This?"

Max pursed his lips thoughtfully, debating it. He shook his head, looking at Callie as he passed. "Nah, I'm fine. I don't even know what one of those does."

Arizona poured herself some before turning to the married couple, raising an eyebrow. "Sloan and Sloan?"

Eleanora smiled at the nickname Arizona and Callie had given them after the wedding but shook her head. Mark agreed with his wife, taking a sip of coffee.

"We're fine. But we will take that waffle iron." Eleanora perked up at the mention of the device, Arizona happily handing it to her.

"What? I've never seen you eat a waffle." Callie told her best friend Mark looking over her shoulder as he tightened his grip on Eleanora, as she turned in his lap to show her new gadget to her younger brother. her.

"Well, I would if I had a waffle iron. Plus, look how excited Nora got." Mark smiled, letting his eyes fall on his wife as she smacked her brother's hand when he tried to take it.

"It's okay, Callie, we're not taking a waffle iron to Malawi, and it won't do anyone any good to sit in storage for three years," Arizona told her girlfriend, giving her a smile before searching the kitchen again.

Eleanora slid off her husband's lap, moving to refill her coffee cup with the waffle iron still tucked safely in her arms. "I'm very excited for you and a little jealous. I mean, the work you two are going to do there will change lives."

"Yeah." Max agreed, straightening up. "I wish I could get unlimited funds to help children and their families in developing countries. I mean, do you know what a difference that could make?"

"Oh!" Arizona exclaimed, holding up the French press. She gave Mark a satisfied smile, raising an eyebrow. "Would you and your wife also like a French press to go with your waffle iron?"

Eleanora perked up behind the blonde woman, looking over her shoulder as she handed it to Mark. Max groaned, muttering a "no fair" under his breath.

Just as Arizona hands the French press to Mark, both hands on it, Callie screams, her voice angry. "Hey! Stop giving away my stuff."

The smile slips off of Arizona's face, Max turns his body to look between the couple with a raised eyebrow. Eleanora curls in on herself, making sure to look at anything but, she lowers her small gaze, and Mark just purses his lips and tries to stay still so as not to draw attention to himself. Callie storms out and enters the bedroom, and after a few moments, Mark speaks.

"Maybe we should skip the French press." Arizona slowly pulls it back, but Max reaches out and takes it. He gives a smile, which slowly slips off his face as everyone looks at him.

"What? Just tell her I stole it; she won't call the police on me. I'm too adorable." Max told Arizona, smiling at his new French press with bright eyes.

Eleanora returns to her husband, holding the waffle iron even tighter to her chest. "Can we keep the waffle iron? I like waffles."


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