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Willow pov

It had been a few days since we arrived in Florida, me and Lana rented a house while George stayed with the boys

All three of us were gonna stay with them but Lana wanted to rent a house so she could stream as much as she wants

I woke up feeling like absolutely and utterly shit.

"Lana!" I yelled until she walked into my room laughing.

"Yes, Wils ?" she asked sitting on my bed.

"im sick" I said coughing.

She snorted, rolling her eyes "Your sick?" She asked feeling my forhead.

"You are really hot" She said going to grab something, I shrugged grabbing my phone

"Thank you"

Lana came back into my room with a temp thing, "say ah" she said coming over, i opened my mouth

"Ahhhh" i said as she put it in my mouth, waiting until we heard a beep she took it out and looked at it.

"117.5" she said showing me

I groaned placing my phone on my bed side table, Lana covered her mouth with her sleeve.

I rolled my eyes looking at her "really" I asked trying not to smile as she nodded.

"How about i go get you medicine and food and you get in the bath" she said as i nodded in agreement.

"i'll text you what you want for lunch" she said leaving

"BYEE" i said going into my bathroom, getting a bath started. I usually hate taking baths cause yours sitting in your own dirt water but i'll take a shower right after. i said to myself taking my clothes off and getting into the bath and playing my "shower" playlist.

About an hour later the water started getting cold, stepping out of the tub i grabbed a towel wrapping it around my body.

Going over to the bath i flipped the switch allowing the water to go down the drain.

Grabbing my phone to text Alissa i heard the doorbell ring, assuming it was a package is ignored it.. until i heard someone repeatedly knocking.

"What" i asked annoyed opening the door forgetting i was only in a towel.

"Oh, what are you doing here" i asked only now realizing i was only in a towel.

"Lana invited us over for a stream" Nick said as i nodded

"Wils, why are you naked?" George chuckled hugging me, "Also i thought you were going out"

"Yeah, well when you have a temp that's 117 i don't think you should go anywhere" I said as they looked at me worriedly.

"i'm fine" i said rolling my eyes seeing their worried expression.

"oh yeah, come in. i'm gonna yeah" i said letting them im before going to get dressed

Clay pov

Watching Willow walked away i smiled, "come on" Nick said grabbing my hand as we walked over to the couch.

"Do-do you think she's lying?" Karl hesitated to ask.

"i don't think so, she looked pale" Alex shrugged

"i heard that asshole" We heard Willow yell earning in us laughing.

She came back into the living room now dressed in shorts and a blue hoodie that matched George.

"Anyways" she said sitting down by George, he moved to put his arm around her

"i am sick, and Lana went to get me meds and Lunch" she said while looking at her phone.

And as if on cue Lana walked into the house carrying a bag, her phone, drinks, a food bag and her purse.

"uh need help?" I asked looking at her as she shook her head.

"nah, i'm good" she said placing the bags down

"it is true" Nick said, Alex snorted.

"whats true" Lana asked looking at them.

"that girls will carry like 10 different things and then when asked if they need help they deny" Alex shrugged

"yeah, cuz ion need no man" Lana said coming into the room, she scanned over us before her eyes landed on Willow who smiled at her.

"Shouldn't you be in bed" Lana asked placing a hand on her hip, like a mother scolding their child.

"Well, i was taking a relaxing bath, got out and then they knocked on the door" she said smiling innocently at her.

Lana rolled her eyes shooing Willow away, she groaned before it turned into a cough and Lana shoved her to her room, before running and getting lysol spray and spraying it where Willow sat and in the air.

"okay. okay" George said waving his hand in front of his face as the lysol was spraying on him as Nick coughed when some got in his mouth.

"geez tryna kill the germs or us" Karl asked laughing

Lana shrugged "both" she said before walking into the kitchen.

"She's joking right" I asked as they all shrugged.

"Ready to start" Lana asked after she dropped off the food and meds to Willow as we nodded going to the kitchen.

She started the stream "hey guys it's dream" she snorted

"and George" Karl said

"and Sapnap" George said

"and Quackity" Nick did Alex's "hey mama" thing.

"and it's Lana" I said in a girly voice before we all laughed.

About 20 minute into the stream they kept asking where Willow is, or what's Willow doing.

"Willow, she's sick" Lana said stirring the cake mix

George was getting mac and cheese off the stove top, "But don't worry guys, she hasn't kissed me so i won't get sick" he joked

"I wanna see her"

"Where is she"

"Tell her to come"

"We want Willow"

"they all want Willow" I laughed as they were spamming Willows name.

"Fine, but if i get sick I'm fighting all of you" She said going to get Willow.

"Ooo, she can be the judge" Sapnap said as we agreed since we were all making different things.

Sap was making burger, Lana was making a cake, George were making mac and chesses, Karl was making smoothies, Quackity was making fries, and i was making the drinks and ice cream sundaes to go with the cake

Luck Star • Dream, George, Karl, Quackity & SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now