Chapter 35

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'No.' Luna screams just as I'm about to bite down on Roan.

My teeth almost sink into his throat as Roan whips around, biting into my side. I let out a yelp as I feel his sharp fangs sink beneath my skin, latching onto my side. He shakes his head, trying to rip of chunk of my flesh away as I fight against him in a desperate plea to free myself.

'Roan, let him go.' Luna screams from her spot.

He clamps his teeth down even harder before he releases me, dropping me to the floor like I was a rag doll.

'Archer, get up.' Luna shouts.

I quickly take her advice as I leap to my feet, trying to ignore the pain and the blood that coats my fur.

I turn to Roan, who's circling me, like I was weak prey for him to easily pick off.

I growl at him, letting him know I'm not done. I'm far from it. Everything that he's done to me and my family. Everything he's done to Luna and even his own pack is feeding the fire in me to keep going.

He stops moving and lets out a teethy snarl before he sprints at me, clashing into my body.

We both roll over each other, as we nip and claw at one another. As soon as my back hits the ground I push out from underneath me so I'm on top again, in what felt like a never ending spin of our entangled bodies.

Eventually we lose momentum and crash on the floor, separating from each other in our own heaps.

Despite the large wound on my side I'm first to my feet, ready to defend myself from Roans attack. While he's still lying on the floor I pounce on top of him and bite onto the first thing I can latch onto, his front right leg. I bite down on him as hard as I can, able to taste the copper of his blood coating my tongue. I don't let up when I know I've broken the skin. It only encourages me to continue, until I hear a snap, followed by the painful howl of the wolf underneath me. I only let go when I feel one of his claws pierce throw my chest, dragging down my front. The pain causes me to leap back off of him where I look down to his front leg hanging limp from his body, broken and unusable.

I run my hand over the searing pain on my chest as a trickle of blood runs down my hand. It hurt like a bitch, but it started to clot and scab over quickly, letting me focus my attention back on the wolf in front of me.

Roan quickly scrambles to his feet, not putting any weight on to the broken leg. Without any warning he throws himself forward, trying to bite me, but I dodge him easily enough, causing him to hit the floor next to me.

I mirror his earlier action and circle him, enjoying the turning of the tables as I pace around him, glaring at him with hate filled eyes.

He struggles to get up from the ground this time. But he does eventually, after failing the first time to lift himself. He turns to me, digging his claws into the dirt. A snarl echo out from his throat as he challenges me, wanting more. Which I'm happy to give him. So I leap at him again and bite down on the scruff of his neck, holding him under me.

Roan whimpers and drags his claws on the ground, trying to get away. He takes up larges chunks of earth as he tries to find something to give him the momentum too get away from me, but fails.

He knows he's losing. He must. He can't defend himself with a broken leg, no matter how much he wants it. As I latch down on him I feel the fur in my mouth change. I feel it change to a sweaty, salty skin. I drop him and look down at Roan in his human form. I guess this is his last ditch effort to get away with his life.

'Please, Archer. I'm sorry.' He says as he rolls onto his back, holding his hand up in surrender.

His eyes are wide with fear. His breathing is laboured as he struggles for air and his broken arm hangs loosely at his side like it's going to drop off any second.

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