Chapter 17 - Waking Nightmare

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(Hyrule Castle (Sky) - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)

As you kept climbing the road to the Sanctum, the monsters did not let up. Hordes of dark forces roamed the corridors and courtyards. Yet, it seemed odd. You found yourself fighting Moblins, Horriblins, Lizalfos, and the usual types you had seen on your journeys. Link put the concern to words. "Is it just me, or is this... easy?"

"A little too easy. It's not like last time. Worst we've seen is a Hinox."

Link frowned as he cleaved a Horroblin in two. "Not even a Lynel... he's baiting us."

"Then we spring the trap, keeping our guard up. Ganondorf may have his plan, but we've got our own tricks."

Ganondorf, at least, had the grace to not taunt you with the false Zelda for long. Merely one glance at the gatehouse was all you got before she disappeared, beckoning you to walk farther into his stronghold. Your grip tightened on your sword, knowing you would soon be embroiled in battle with the Demon King.

It wasn't long before you rounded what remained of the upper gardens, the once beautiful ponds now dry. Your vision flashed for a brief moment, another echo of the past. This time, you watched as a beastly incarnation of Ganondorf drug Link down into an abyss, both falling into a void. A shiver shot down your spine as you snapped back to the present. Link looked you over, scrutinizing your tense stance. "Everything okay?"

You took a deep breath. "It will be. Just nerves."

"You, uh, wanna slam me against the wall and kiss me again for luck?" Link was joking, but the blush on his cheeks was very real.

"I didn't slam you against the wall." You thought back. "Well... not hard at least."

"Eh, it was pretty hard. I had to fight the Calamity with a bruise on my shoulder."

"Baby," you chided. "I promise, you'll get all the kisses you want after this battle. I'll slam you into another wall too, if you're good." Link spluttered as you laughed, leading the way up the final staircase.

The Sanctum was not all that different from when Link faced the Calamity. The Calamity's corrupted heart and the hole to the Sheikah arena were gone, the latter filled with rubble, but the rest remained mostly intact. Your heart twisted, thinking back to the first nightmares, of how the Sanctum once felt so warm and welcoming.

"At last," the false Zelda said from the throne balcony. "I have been waiting for you to arrive. There's something I've been wanting to show you." In a ripple of energy, the Sanctum suddenly changed, reverting to its former splendor. It looked exactly how you remembered, as if not a day had passed. The hall was spotlessly clean, and the throne was set up without your father's place. Instead, two thrones were set out for Zelda and you to hold court, your crown sparkling from the seat.

"What do you think, [Y/n]? Hyrule Castle, as perfect and glorious as it should be. The perfect spot for us to rule the kingdom from, don't you think?" Your heart yearned, but your grip tightened on your sword. "And you Link, does it awaken memories? Memories of our time here?"

Zelda disappeared behind a column, replaced by the form of your father. "My son, you deserved far more than this broken land. You were meant to rule a kingdom at its height."

Your jaw clenched as King Rhoam disappeared, but you froze in place as a different voice joined. "And Link, you were forced to be a hero so young." You and Link turned to face Mipha, standing uncomfortably close to your boyfriend. "You deserved happiness. We could have started a family together."

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