Chapter 3: Taking Chances

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**Chapter Three: Taking Chances**

The roar of Tyler's motorcycle faded as they pulled into the parking lot behind the school dorms. The night was cool, the air tinged with the scent of jasmine from the nearby garden. Spencer felt exhilarated, the ride on Tyler's bike having lifted her spirits. She had loved the way the wind had whipped through her hair, the way the city lights had blurred past them. For those few moments, she'd felt free, untethered from her past and all its burdens.

Tyler cut the engine, the silence suddenly pressing down around them. Spencer climbed off the bike, pulling off her helmet, her cheeks flushed from the ride. Tyler watched her with that crooked smile of his, the one that always made her heart race a little faster.

"Thanks for the ride," Spencer said, handing him the helmet.

"Anytime," Tyler replied, taking it from her. He swung his leg over the bike, standing in front of her. His presence was magnetic, drawing her in, and Spencer felt a pull that she didn't want to resist.

They stood there for a moment, the space between them charged with unspoken possibilities. Spencer bit her lip, feeling the weight of what she wanted to say. She had promised herself she wouldn't fall for Tyler, that she wouldn't let herself get wrapped up in someone who could easily break her heart. But the truth was, she already cared about him more than she was willing to admit.

"So," Tyler said, breaking the silence. "What are we doing, Spence? You and me. Are we just playing around, or is this... something more?"

Spencer took a deep breath, meeting his gaze. "I don't know," she said honestly. "But I like being with you. I like the way you make me feel. And I think... I know I trust you."

Tyler's smile softened, his eyes searching hers. "Yeah? You sure about that? Because I don't do halfway, Spence. We are doing it for real okay, I waited and gave you time, so if you're only saying this as a joke...."

"No no no. Not a joke. Why would I joke about this. I like you. A lot," the space between them was nonexistent at this point.
Spencer nodded, feeling a sense of certainty settle over her. "I'm sure," she said. "Let's give it a try. What's the worst that could happen?"

Tyler laughed softly. "You mean besides the obvious heartbreak and drama and occasional angry sex?"

"Besides that," Spencer said, smiling.

He reached out, gently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Okay then. Swoop me off my feet S. The ball is in your court now."

Spencer's heart fluttered as she leaned in, pressing her lips to his. The kiss was soft at first, tentative, as if testing the waters. Then it deepened as he took control, and Spencer felt herself melt into him, the world around them fading away. When they finally pulled apart, Tyler's eyes were dark, filled with a promise that made Spencer's stomach flip.

A minute was needed to cold the air around them. She still had her forehead on his, but eventually gathered the power to pull herself away from him.
"Goodnight, Spence," he whispered, his breath warm against her skin.

"Goodnight, Ty," she replied, watching as he put his helmet back on and started the bike. He gave her one last look before revving the engine and speeding off into the night.

Spencer stood there for a moment, her fingers brushing her lips, still tingling from the kiss. A relationship wouldn't hurt, right? She hoped so.

The morning sunlight poured into the girls' dorm room, filling it with a warm glow. Spencer, Aubrey, and Em sat around the small coffee table, finishing the last bites of their breakfast. The room was a mess of textbooks, makeup, and clothes—evidence of their shared lives and late-night conversations. It was cozy and chaotic, just the way they liked it.

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