Chapter 6: Breaking Point

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**Chapter Six: Breaking Point**

Spencer and Tyler separated from the group and go to a familiar apartment of Ty's family in central New York. They have spent multiple nights there together, just to get away from the typical high school dorms and campus. The rest of the group did head back to school.

It was way too late to have a talk tonight so they both agreed to watch a movie, the most silent movie night ever, and head to bed. And they would resume this talk in the morning where alcohol won't have an impact.

The next day was a gray, overcast Saturday, and Spencer woke with a sense of dread curling in her stomach. She could feel the storm brewing between her and Tyler, like the heavy clouds threatening to spill rain. Last night's dinner had ended with tension, leaving her emotionally drained. As much as she wanted to work things out, she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was more to the story with Tess than Tyler was letting on.

She pulled herself out of bed and headed to the kitchen, hoping a cup of coffee would clear her mind. To her surprise, Tyler was already there, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. He looked like he hadn't slept at all, dark circles under his eyes, his jaw set in a hard line.

"Morning," Spencer said cautiously, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Morning," Tyler replied, his voice flat. He didn't look at her, instead staring out the window, his expression unreadable.

Spencer took a deep breath, bracing herself. "Tyler, we need to talk. About Tess, about us. I can't keep feeling like this—like I'm competing for your attention or wondering if there's more you're not telling me."

Tyler's eyes flicked to her, a flash of irritation crossing his face. "What do you want me to say, Spence? That there's nothing going on? I've told you already—Tess is in the past. You're the one I want."

Spencer set her coffee cup down, frustration bubbling up. "But it doesn't feel that way, Tyler. Every time she shows up, you get tense, like there's something unsaid. If she's really just a friend, why does she keep acting like there's more between you two?"

Tyler rubbed a hand over his face, sighing. "Because there was more, okay? Tess and I...we hooked up a few times right before you and I started dating. I thought it was casual, but I guess she saw it differently."

Spencer felt like the ground had shifted beneath her feet. "What?" Her voice was barely a whisper. "You never told me that."

Tyler's gaze was steady. "Because it didn't mean anything. It was before us, Spence. I didn't think it mattered."

Spencer took a step back, her chest tightening. "It matters, Tyler. It matters because it explains why she's always around, why she thinks she has a claim on you. And you never thought to tell me?"

Tyler's frustration flared. "What was I supposed to say? 'Hey, by the way, I slept with Tess a few times but don't worry about it'? I didn't want to complicate things between us. I was trying to protect what we have."

Spencer's hands shook as she tried to process his words. "You don't protect a relationship by hiding things, Tyler. You protect it by being honest. I've been upfront with you from the beginning. Why couldn't you do the same?"

Tyler slammed his hand on the counter, his patience snapping. "Because I knew you'd react like this! You'd blow it out of proportion and start pulling away. Just like you are now."

Spencer felt a lump rise in her throat, her emotions swirling. "I'm not pulling away because of Tess. I'm pulling away because I feel like I can't trust you. And when I ask for space, for a little freedom, you suffocate me. I feel like I can't even breathe without you questioning my loyalty."

Tyler's eyes flashed with anger. "And what about you, Spencer? You spend all your time at the music studio with Chris and those band guys. You're always with them, always talking about music. Do you even realize how that makes me feel?"

Spencer blinked, taken aback. "What are you talking about? Chris is just a friend. The band is my outlet, my escape. It's not about you."

Tyler snorted. "Yeah, right. You think I don't see the way Chris looks at you? Like he'd jump at the chance if you gave him a sign? You're always so quick to defend your 'friends,' but you don't care how it affects me."

Spencer's anger flared, her voice rising. "Chris has never been anything but supportive of me. He's not the problem, Tyler. The problem is your insecurity, your need to control everything. You can't stand the thought of me having a life outside of you."

Tyler stepped closer, his face inches from hers, eyes dark with anger. "You think I want to control you? I'm just trying to keep us together. But you keep pushing me away, running off to your band, your music, anything that isn't me."

Spencer's heart pounded, tears stinging her eyes. "Because when I'm with you, I feel like I'm drowning. I need space to be myself, Tyler. I need you to trust me, to let me breathe. But all you do is smother me."

Tyler's voice dropped, a dangerous edge to his tone. "Maybe I wouldn't smother you if you weren't always looking for a way out. Maybe I wouldn't be so insecure if you didn't make me feel like I'm never enough."

The words hit Spencer like a slap. She stood there, stunned, as Tyler's chest heaved with anger, his face flushed. The silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken feelings, both of them breathing hard, emotions raw and exposed.

"I can't do this," Spencer whispered finally, her voice trembling. "I can't keep fighting like this. It's tearing me apart."

Tyler's expression softened, his anger melting into something like desperation. "Spence, please. I love you. I don't know how to do this without you."

Spencer shook her head, tears spilling down her cheeks. "I love you too, Tyler. But love isn't supposed to feel like a war. I need time. I need space to figure this out."

Tyler reached for her, but Spencer stepped back, her heart breaking at the hurt in his eyes. "Don't go," he said, his voice cracking. "Please, Spence. Don't do this."

Spencer felt a sob rising in her throat, but she held it back. "I'm not leaving you, Ty. I just need a break. We both do. Maybe some time apart will help us see things more clearly."

Tyler's shoulders slumped, his eyes filling with tears. "I don't want time apart. I want you. I want us."

Spencer wiped her eyes, her heart aching. "I want us too. But not like this. I'll stay with the girls tonight. We can talk tomorrow."

Without waiting for a response, Spencer turned and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Tyler standing there, alone. She headed down the hallway, feeling like she was moving in slow motion, her heart heavy with every step.

She found Em in their room, Rick having left a little while ago. Em looked up, concern flashing in her eyes as soon as she saw Spencer's tear-streaked face.

"Spence, what happened?" Em asked, standing up quickly.

Spencer broke down, her emotions finally spilling over. "Tyler and I...we fought. It was bad, Em. I don't know what to do."

Em wrapped her arms around Spencer, holding her tight. "It's okay. I've got you. You can stay here as long as you need."

Spencer clung to her friend, the weight of the argument pressing down on her chest. She didn't know how to fix things with Tyler, didn't know if they could ever go back to the way things were. All she knew was that the love they had wasn't enough to keep the walls from rising between them.

And as much as it hurt, she wasn't sure if they could break them down.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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