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we are in the home stretch now and i will need help with the number the next book will be as i still don't know what to call it and so i will leave it up to you guys to what number the next book will be.

we have three to pic from and that is:

1.5 a nod to the first one that was sadly deleted on my old account

2.2 just to make a fun nod to the second book being both the first and second book but it might be confusing if you are trying to remember the books

3.0 being a whole new think and we can pick the other numbers to continue on and not use 1

we have a while to go and 8 more parts before the end of the book as when i do a final update it will be time to throw you all to the next book of these series and you will be able to read more smut/fluff to your hearts content and don't worry if i don't finish any requests that i have at the end i will continue them in the next book but we will need the number first or else i won't be able to get that book started as with the cover done i will get to writing and i will be able to get everyone their requests done.

sorry if it was a bit of a rant with that but still, when the cover is down we will be able to get the smut that we all need so i will be seeing you later and keep reading porn you filthy animals.

love you all and keep up with the hilarious comments cause they make my day no matter the time and i will talk with you all later :3

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