chapter 14

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(A/N in the car <3 (spicy chapter be warned) but also very fluffy, I realised they don't really have any alone scenes and this was needed. Plus I've been slacking so I made you a long chapter! Nearly 3000 words)

 Plus I've been slacking so I made you a long chapter! Nearly 3000 words)

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(Brielle's POV)


AFTER MAL'S interrogation we make a game-plan, Jane leaves with Gil and Doug, on the hunt to find Fairy Godmother and the rest of us discuss the route to fairy cottage.

Whilst we are there we all share our stories, apparently they all had to fight magic knights, cursed by Audrey, when I told them about Ben trying to eat me they all laughed.

"It wasn't funny though, I was seriously scared shitless!" I exclaim, "he chased me out the castle and through the woods!" Ben howls in laughter, "Oh-God, Bri, I am so, so, sorry," his words are interrupted by laughter.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes, everyone laughing in the background, then I look down at my clothes. "Before we search for Audrey I need to go for a wardrobe change." They're covered in scratches and holes, Thorns 1,  Bri 0.

Evie groans "Nooo, I literally ran out of my clothing stock yesterday, I haven't started a new one yet and I don't have any spare clothes in your size. I'm so sorry Bri!" She exclaims sourly.

I smile at her softly, "Don't worry about it Ev, I'll just nip back to my dorm and change."

"You should probably wrap that wound on your arm too." Ben points out and I realise I've got a bigger scratch down my forearm, not too deep though.

"Yeah, good idea, okay I'll be back like 30 minutes tops guys." I smile, getting up from the sofa I'd lounged on, I head towards the door and hear footsteps behind me.

I turn around and come to face my boyfriend, I give him a questioning look.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I ask, "Coming with you." He says as a statement and I know I can't change his mind, "okay yeah sure, safety in numbers."

He smiles cheekily, "Yeah, safety in numbers."
I shoot him a look to show I know what he's doing and we bid our farewells before we both exit the cottage.


As we walk, our hands entwined I realise how glad I am to have him in my life.  I've become the real version of myself in these past few months and I couldn't be more grateful. I'm less quiet and observing, and more interactive and fun.

Of course I'm still partly my old self but I've realised growth is important and you don't have
to lose yourself in the process of change.

I smile to myself, looking up at him with admiration. He catches my gaze and quirks a brow up.

"What are you thinking, my darling?" He asks and I swear I melt, I'm confident but everytime this man uses a nickname on me I fold.

"You." I decide to say honestly, he blinks and I think I spot his cheeks heat.

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