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Wicked Game - Chris Isaak

In the depths of unconsciousness, the chaos and pain of reality faded, replaced by a vision so vivid and serene that it felt like a long-forgotten memory. A warm, golden light filled the darkness, slowly revealing a scene that was both surreal and comforting, like stepping into a dream where everything was finally right.

We were in a lush, sun-drenched backyard, the air thick with the smell of grilled food. The sky stretched out in a perfect, cloudless blue, and the sunlight bathed everything in a golden glow, making the scene feel like it was pulled straight from a postcard. Laughter and the hum of conversation floated through the air, a sound so comforting it made my heart ache.

I looked around, taking in the sight of my family—our family—gathered together as if nothing had ever gone wrong. Five stood beside me at the grill, his sleeves rolled up and a slight scowl on his face as he argued with me over a piece of sausage.

"I'm telling you, that one's mine," he insisted, his tone as stubborn as ever, but there was a playful glint in his eyes that softened his words.

I smirked, refusing to back down. "You've had three already, Five. Come on, share."

He narrowed his eyes at me, clearly debating whether or not to give in. After a moment, he sighed in mock exasperation and pushed the sausage toward me. "Fine. But only because I'm a gentleman," he grumbled, though the twinkle in his eyes betrayed his amusement.

Before I could take a bite, Diego walked over, crossing his arms as he gave Five a mock-serious look. "Seriously, man? Arguing over a sausage with your girl? You need to learn how to share."

Five rolled his eyes dramatically, though his expression was more resigned than annoyed. "Tell that to Klaus," he muttered, nodding toward Klaus, who was stealthily snatching pieces of food off people's plates when they weren't looking, a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

In the distance, I noticed Viktor deep in conversation with Amy, the two of them standing close together, their expressions warm and relaxed. Luther was entertaining a group of children, their laughter echoing through the yard as they chased after a golden retriever—our golden retriever. The dogs fur gleamed in the sunlight as it bounded around, it's tail wagging furiously as it played with the kids.

Lila was seated on a lounge chair, a glass of wine in her hand, her eyes soft as she watched the scene unfold. Beside her was a woman with beautiful brown hair, her face turned away, though there was something about her that seemed familiar, a warmth in her presence that made me feel at ease. Diego approached Lila, placing a gentle kiss on her head, his eyes filled with a love that was rare for him to show so openly.

Allison and Claire sat at a nearby table, laughing together as they ate, while Grace hid behind them, giggling as they tried to stay out of Luther's sight. The whole scene was a picture of perfect, untroubled happiness, a life where everything had finally fallen into place.

There were a few figures with their backs turned to me, people I couldn't quite make out, no matter how hard I tried. But their presence felt familiar, comforting, as if they were people I had once known and loved.

As I stood there, taking in the sight of this perfect world, Five suddenly turned to me, his expression more serious. "Wake up, Y/N," he said, his voice cutting through the idyllic scene.


Diego's voice followed, more urgent now. "You have to open your eyes, come on."

What the fuck?

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