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The soldier slammed the double door and entered the room noisily. The noise reminded me of my tired body from the whole day's work, and I felt a chill in my bones.

"Come in sir," the two soldiers followed me into the bedroom, then the door slammed shut again as hard as the first time.

"You can go now, you are free," I answered without even looking at him.  bent down to the shoes and started untying the laces.

"Mr. Anderson has left you a new message. " My hand shot up in the air, reaching for the straps. For a moment, I felt the familiar feeling go through my bones again.

"Did I tell you that you were allowed to talk?" He lowered his head, and then started rubbing his gloves. smoothly. He behaved exactly like I did when I broke my father's favorite bottle of wine, And then I was afraid to look at him. I was afraid to look him in the eye and tell him that I was guilty, but I was afraid of the punishment. I was afraid of reprimands... that's why I didn't say anything, I stood with my head down and listened to how my father scolded me.

" No sir, " The words came out of his mouth after a few seconds.

" Then why are you still here?" soldier forced his head up, his chin quivered and his blue eyes closed noisily. I could hear his heavy breathing in the distance. I could also feel him trying to regulate it, but his efforts were not in vain, "Adam. " I blurted out his name between my teeth.

" Yes, Mr. Warner " His voice was still the same as before, scared, wary  trembling and broken.

"Where did i send you?" I whispered to myself. But, it was loud enough. So many high-pitched sounds came out of my mouth that my voice echoed throughout the room.

" You send me to a crazy girl " He answered.

"I sent you on this mission last night. You were supposed to leave today, why are you here?" I asked quite loudly, "You are my soldier! You must do my bidding and not my father's suggestions."

Adam nodded. He said something in a very low voice, but I did not pay attention at all and did not ask him to repeat the words once again.

"Before you go" I gestured towards the exit and then started unbuttoning my suit, "Tell Delalieu to bring me the documents I assigned." Adam just nodded, then closed the door slowly this time and left me alone in my room.

After my father returns to the sector, I won't be able to stay alone with my own room. With myself.. My father's presence here is like a kind of test. You're trying to pass, but just when you're about to start writing , everything you've learned so far disappears from your brain cells.  It flies away and unfortunately returns only after the exam.

I groaned loudly, pulled the last button, and then reached down to my pants and began to unbuckle my belt. I have to change before Delalieu brings me the  documents.

I threw my change of clothes on the bed, too tired to call the maid.

I sat on the couch, although I was alone in the room, the chatter of soldiers, voices, rumors and many other useless conversations did not stop from the corridor.

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