Chapter 1

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Chan's POV

It had been another long, disappointing day. This was already the fourth agency they had been to, having not gotten good responses at every other one. Being told no because of who you love made his blood boil each time. This was something they wanted, and if they could do it on their own, they would. It was unfortunately impossible due to the simple fact that they were all alphas.

He shuffled his feet, pacing slowly in the office waiting room while the other seven alphas were scattered amongst the room. He hated to admit it, but he was nervous. There weren't many options left for them, so if this didn't go well, they might not get another chance any time soon.

At the sound of a door opening, all eight heads shot up to see a woman standing in the doorway. She didn't step further into the room, holding the door open instead and beckoning with a finger for her to follow.

"Come on boys, we can talk in my office."

The others looked to him, clearly waiting to follow his lead before he stepped over to the door. "I'm Cheong Bora, curator of Heart's Creation, It's Bang-ssi correct?" There was a large smile on her face that felt forced as she bent her head in a small bow of greeting, one they all did in return.

"Yes, seonsaengnim. Thank you for meeting with us."

She led them to a rather large office, but instead of taking a seat at her desk, she moved over to sit on the arm chair off to the side. A large coffee table sat in front of it and a large couch on the other side. "Please, you boys have a seat. We'll do business over here since you're a larger pack than I usually work with. Plenty more space here."

Nodding, he sat with Minho on his right and Changbin on his left, the others filling in on the sides. "Now, I do have your file already, but why don't you tell me a bit about what you're looking for here?" She had a pen and notepad in her hands as she looked to each of them.

"We are a well-established pack, have been for the last five years. We have been doing well in the music industry, the only thing missing that we still want, is pups of our own. A family. We tried other options first, but-"

Minho stiffened up at that, agitation and frustration withering his orchid scent, taking over where he left off. "But no adoption agency will allow alpha only couples to adopt." The other alpha was doing his best to keep his anger in check over that issue, grumbling a "Pabo's" under his breath.

The smile on the woman's face didn't falter though, understanding in her eyes. "While we do not require other designations be in the pack, it is typically recommended. It certainly will not affect our decision here though." She set the pad down, leaning forward as she spoke. "What I'm concerned about is the quality of care and attention pups of an idol group will receive. You are a well known group, performing in tours around the world. Schedules tend to be packed, so what do you intend to do with a newborn?"

Chan was relieved to hear that being an all alpha pack wasn't her concern at the moment. He was even ready for her question. "We've already worked it out in our contracts, we all get the first three months off for paternity leave. After, schedules will be split between us so half are home while the others are on schedule. For any travel, ideally we'd like to bring them along but if that ends up not being possible, we have plenty of support in place, our families willing to help watch the pups and the company employs childcare both at the company and to join us and assist while traveling."

This time, her smile seemed genuine. "Good, it sounds like a lot of thought and preparation went into this. And now I just need confirmation that you all want this-" she didn't even get the chance to finish, everyone speaking up and voicing their own confirmation. "Happy to hear it! Well, it sounds like any pups would surely be loved in this pack, so I'd be happy to move forward with the process."

They all watched, bright smiles between them, as she got up and went to her desk, grabbing a stack of folders and setting them on the table in front of them. "There's a file on each omega under our employ that meet your requirements. I'll leave you to look them over and I'll check on you in a bit to see if we can get you matched to an omega surrogate."

With that, she headed out the door that they came from. The moment it shut, there were shouts of excitement bursting from each of the boys, causing a warmth in his chest at their excitement.

"Alright, let's each take a file, see what we each think, start yes and no piles so we can narrow these down."

They went through the files, making comments as they went. It was anything from liking or disliking their scent and certain physical characteristics that were similar to one of their pack mates, which would only make it more likely any pups would resemble them. Everything was in these files from possible genetic condition, education level as well as scores received during schooling, even any hobbies or skills. It was practically a resume and background check rolled into one. Not to mention each included a vacuum sealed pouch with a cloth square the omega had scented, to confirm if it would mesh well with theirs considering part of their pups scent would come from it's omega parent.

By the time the curator returned, they had it narrowed down to four. Han was still clutching onto the scented cloth of one, practically drooling over it, or actually drooling now that Chan got a good look at him. A sigh left his lips, shaking his head as he turned his attention to the beta.

"Excellent! Looks like you were able to narrow it down considerably." She glanced at the four files before pulling one out. "Park SeoJun is currently on heat leave, so if you want to meet her before making a decision, it will have to wait another two weeks once she's back." She moved on to the others. "Kang Hyun-ki would be a good match. He's produced two healthy pups in a previous surrogacy. Im Yurin has had three successful surrogacies and while Y/N has not had a pregnancy before, she is a prime omega and more like to produce more pups in a single litter as opposed to the others. There is much less opportunity for her to be able to conceive though, given primes can only conceive during a heat cycle. Seems one of you already quite enjoys her scent." She motioned to Han, still gripping the cloth tightly. "All three are here in the dorms today if you'd like to meet them before deciding?"

They really didn't even have to ask each other, knowing perfectly well they were all eager to meet the omegas.

After all, one of them could possibly end up carrying their pups.

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