Chapter 3

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Felix POV

A week had already passed since the incident at the Heart's Creation surrogacy facility. The investigation was still ongoing with more and more items being located that hadn't been noticed before. One, even being found in their recording studio, which surprised everyone. How she even managed to get in the front doors, no one could explain.

It only furthered their unease with the situation, making them paranoid about what else they had missed. How close she had gotten. They felt unsafe enough to the point they actually moved from the dorms, into a new home with high level security. It didn't matter that she was in custody. They were still constantly on edge after that incident.

They had no clue when the situation would be resolved but no matter how long it took, their sense of security had been shattered.  It made them question if they should just wait for pups, not wanting to bring little ones into such a messy situation or be constantly afraid for them.

After being stuck in the house all week after moving, Felix needed to just get out. He couldn't just keep sitting there. So, with Changbin and Hyunjin in tow, the trio headed out. They weren't even going to be gone long, simply heading out for a coffee.

The moment they walked through the door, they were enveloped by the warm scent of coffee and pastries. The trio got in line, glancing over the menu for what they wanted to order. Felix glanced at the bakery case, eyeing the different sweets behind the glass and stopping on one in particular that caught his eye.

"We should bring a slice of cheesecake back for Han, he's been a bit down lately. He could use a little pick me up."

Binnie hummed in agreement, glancing over at the case to see the cheesecake in question.

"That's fine, we can add it to our order. Do you know what you want yet Felix?"

He nodded and was about to speak, but instead stood there, stunned silent, his mouth hanging open slightly.


One of the girls behind the counter had been bent over, placing a tray of fresh cookies into the bakery case. A wide smile stretched across her face as she recognized who called her name.

"Hi guys, it's good to see you."

The others offered small greetings, seemingly unsure how to handle the situation, which meant he would have to take the lead.

"Nice to see you again, too. How come you're here though? Did something happen at the facility?"

He hoped the situation last week hadn't cost her her job. Despite their own negative experience, it still seemed to be a fairly nice facility. The thought that their incident and her intervening might have cost her her position. That thought didn't sit well with him if that was the case.

"Oh no, I've been working here since before I even joined Heart's Creation. Problem is,  you can't exactly be paid if you're not actively employed by a client. Which is why I kept my job here when I applied. Needed  something to still pay the bills in the meantime."

He relaxed a little, relieved to find they were not the cause of her possible unemployment.

"Now, what can I get you guys?"


She took their order, no problem, three iced americanos and a slice of cheesecake to go. With Changbin paying before the trio went and sat down at a table to wait, she turned around to begin making their drinks. Her boss called out to her after she finished the first, informing her to go ahead and take her break after serving them, receiving a simple nod and hum in confirmation.

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