Me and You

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Maya's P.O.V

♫ Permanent Jetlag, Please Take Me Back, Please Take Me Baaack.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.Who could that be? I thought to myself. I looked over at the digital clock, on my dresser. It was only 3:45 in the morning. What lunatic calls at this hour? I rolled over, onto my left side so that I was facing the window. I reached for my phone. Once I unlocked it, I saw that the lunatic was Cari. This better be important. I was still tired, but I decided to call her back anyways, just to make sure that everything was fine, and she wasn't being followed, or captured by assassins, or something like that. I dialed her number, and she picked up on the first ring.

Maya's Phone

Maya: Hello?

Cari: You're alive!

Maya: Yeah... Why wouldn't I be?

Cari: Well, you just disappeared after our set at the dance. Where'd you go?

Maya: Home....

Cari: Alone?

Maya: Why do you need to know that? Actually, why does it matter?

Cari: Why are you being so defensive? You let that undeserving, low-life, skater boy, back into your life didn't you?

Maya: He's not a low-life. Crap. I didn't mean to say that.

Cari: I'm disappointed. All I really want to know is, why?

Maya: Okay, first of all, lets get things straight. You're not my mother, so there's no reason for you to be disappointed. I'm a big girl. Also, technically, if you insult him, you're insulting Chimera as well. Let's not forget that they share a set amount of DNA. And lastly, I took him back because he had a great, sincere apology. Plus, love is  basically a test! You don't just give up when things get hard, or you'll end up failing!

Cari: Whatever floats your boat. Anyways, I wasn't just calling to see if you were alive. I wanted to know if you would do me a favor and come to Louisiana, and then New York with Chimera and I for Spring Break? The Fischers have vacation homes in each state, and that's where we'd be staying. My mom said that I could go, as long as another girl, with common sense and a good head on her shoulders came as well.

Maya: I guess I'll go. I really don't feel like going to California with my family. Rae's mother is going with them.

Cari: Awesome. I'll tell my mom. She said she'd pay for you. I'll call you later, probably around 11ish. Bye.

Maya: Bye.

Maya's P.O.V

I hung up on Cari. I looked at my clock, and saw that it was 4:30. Why does Cari have such a big mouth? I only had about three more hours, until my day started. I tried closing my eyes, to go back to sleep, but that didn't work. After what seemed like forever, I gave up on trying to go back to sleep. I rolled to the left. I wasn't planning on falling out of my bed, but I guess my body thought the floor needed a hug. As I stood up, I saw that it was only 5. How had it only been thirty minutes? This is why I hate mornings! It might have been early, but it definitely wasn't too early to get a head start on my day. 

I had already taken a shower, last night after Griffin dropped me off, so I just had to get dressed, and do something with my hair. I threw on a grey shirt, with the British flag on it, my black, skinny jeans, and signature black converse. After that, I went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and washed my face. My hair didn't look as bad as I thought it did. It really, just needed to be combed. I ended up just coming it out, so that it didn't look like I literally had just gotten out of bed. As I was about to leave the bathroom, I noticed that my towel had fallen off of the shower curtain rod. I picked it up, and put it back up there. I stopped to look over myself in the mirror, just to make sure I hadn't missed anything. I noticed that I had forgotten to put my other earring in. I picked my left earring up, off of the counter top, and I looked into the mirror. Little did I know, that I would get the shock of my life when I looked up. I wanted to scream, but when I tried to, all that came out was air. My breath was literally taken away. When I looked up, I a figure in the mirror next to me. I blinked to make sure that it was really there, but when I opened my eyes, it was gone. All I felt was a cool touch on my arm, like a breeze, but it felt more like hands stroking my arm. 

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