Mi Amor (triángulo amoroso)

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Maya's P.O.V

I opened my eyes, and looked around. It was still somewhat dark. The sun hadn't fully risen, so there was a bluish hue to the room. I rolled over, away from the window so I was facing Griffin. He was lying on his back, so I couldn't see his eyes, to tell whether or not he was actually sleeping. I hadn't noticed the temperature of the room before, but now I did. It was freezing! I guess it was better than dying of heat exhaustion though. I didn't want to hog the covers, so I cuddled up to him. He was so warm. I closed my eyes to take in the amazing feeling of his warm skin. "Good morning, beautiful." Griffin said, sitting up. " Don't move." I said. I was too comfortable in my current position, and if he moved, all of that would have been ruined. " Whatever you say." He replied, returning to his previous position. I smiled at him. " Thank you." I said. " It's not that I have a problem with you being comfortable, babe... But I can't see your beautiful face if the only thing I can look at is the ceiling." He said. " Sucks for you." I said, laughing. I was about to readjust myself because when Griffin sat up, he messed up the covers, but Griffin's phone rang. "Who in the world could that be?" I asked myself. 

I tried being as silent as possible so I could try and figure out who he was talking to, but that served no purpose at all. I sat up in bed next to him, and turned to get out of bed. I needed to take a shower so that I could wake up. My feet had just hit the floor when Griffin grabbed my hand, pulling me back in bed. "What?" I mouthed to him. " You know it's six o'clock in the morning, right?" He replied. Well, I felt stupid. I hadn't looked at a clock yet to see exactly what time it was. I decided to just lay back down, beside him. I enjoyed being with Griffin, even though he can be a complete jerk at times. I really wanted to know who he was talking to, but I didn't want to seem really nosey, and ask Griffin about it. So I waited about ten minutes until Griffin got up to go to the bathroom. The bathroom was in the room, and so that didn't give me a lot of time to grab his phone and look through his call log. I had just grabbed the phone, and figured out the pass-code when Griffin came back from the bathroom. BUSTED! " What do you think you're doing?" He asked, walking over to the bed. " Oh nothing, just checking the time." I said, trying to sound as innocent as possible. I even gave a slight smile, just to help convince him that I really was just checking the time. " Yeah... I bet you were." He said, lying down beside me. " What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him. " You were trying to figure out who I was on the phone with, weren't you?" He asked. I was going to stick with my original story, because mentally I could have handled the situation, but physically... Not so much. My face gave it away. I could feel my cheeks becoming warm and that meant that I was blushing. He just looked at me, narrowing his beautiful, green, eyes at me, causing me to laugh. "Someone's a little nosey, aren't they?" He asked. " I like to call it inquisitive." I replied. " Whatever. If you must know, that was my brother, Cerberus. He was wondering if we were  going to come and see him, Cronus, Zeus, and Achilles today since we're in town. As you probably heard, I said that he could come and pick all of us up around 1:00." He explained. " Great Griffin. Just great. Now I have to fix my hair and everything. I was just going to not even try today." I said. " Nobody said that you had to go." He said, just to get on my nerves. I didn't reply. I just laid there on my back, looking up at the ceiling. "You know that I was kidding. I love you. I want you with me wherever I go, love" He said, kissing my forehead. I couldn't help but smile at him. It's not like I was really mad at him, I was just playing with him. I rolled over, and faced him so that I could kiss him on the cheek. " I love you too." I whispered into his ear. He smiled, and grabbed my hand, pulling me closer. " It's only about 6:45. Why don't you try and get a little more sleep before we actually have to get out of bed." He didn't have to tell me twice. It was still a little cold in the room, so I nuzzled up to him, closed my eyes, and went back to sleep.

Cari's P.O.V

I opened my eyes, and saw that the morning sun was rising. The room was a bright shade of orange, and everything in the room was casting a shadow. I rolled over to wake up Chimera, but he wasn't there. " Where could he be?" I asked myself. I sat up in bed, and grabbed my phone from the dresser. I saw that it was 10:30. I couldn't believe that I had slept for over twelve hours! I was surprised at how long I was able to sleep, but I was still trying to figure out where Chimera had gotten to. I dialed his cell phone. He picked up on the first ring, as usual. " He's so perfect." I gushed. 

Cari's Phone

Chimera: Hello?

Cari: Hey.Where are you?

Chimera: Sorry to leave you, baby. I didn't want to wake my angel. Griffin, and I went shopping for food and drinks. We'll be back within an hour or two.

Cari: Alright. Love you.

Chimera: Love you too, bye.

Cari: Bye.

Cari's P.O.V

I was bored sitting in bed so I went to wake Maya up. I knew that Maya and Griffin had slept in the room next to Chimera and I's, or at least  that's where I saw them go before I dropped off the face of the Earth for twelve hours. I stepped out of Chimera and I's room, and opened the first door on the left. I didn't even have to walk up to the bed. The covers were flat on the bed, and so that meant that Maya wasn't in here. I went to Phoenix's room which was right down the hall. I didn't want to intrude on anything that he could have possibly beem doing in there, so I decided that I would knock. But just as my fist was about to make contact with the door, I heard Maya's voice. " You like her don't you?" She said to Phoenix. I couldn't help but wonder who she was talking about. " No, I don't. I'm done with her. It was all a temporary crush, and that's all." Phoenix said stubbornly. " Troy. Phoenix. Fischer. We have known you for three years, going on four. I know when you're lying to me, and right now, you're lying through your teeth. I'm not going to tell her, if that's what you're thinking." She explained. " Promise not to tell her." He pleaded." May I be struck by lightning if I break my promise." She replied. " Okay... So I guess I have some slight feelings for her. I talked to her at the dance the other night before she realized that you had disappeared, and then I spoke to her yesterday. She's funny, and pretty..." He said. " OMG! Phoenix likes me. What the freak? Why is my life so complicated?" I love Chimera, and his quiet, shy, and sweet demeanor, but now that I know that Phoenix likes me, maybe I do have some feelings for the somewhat loud, annoying, rebel. This is really surprising. I never thought that it was possible for me to have feelings for someone I saw as such an obnoxious, nuisance just a few days ago. I decided that it was best for me to keep my distance from Phoenix, just to keep things from being awkward, and to keep my eyes on Chimera, my boyfriend.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Panicgirl1999 here! I'm sorry it's been a while since I last updated, there's been some "drama" at school lately, and now that it's been taken care of, I'm back! As for the last chapter, sorry about the short length. That was an introduction to Part Two of the story. We're almost at the end of the year, and almost done with Freshman Year! So, what do you think should happen next? What do you think will happen with Cari? Leave your comments below. 

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