Chapter 12

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Selena P.o.v 12:25pm

I've been having a lot of fun with Calum, he's amazing. Today we were going to get ice cream and going to the beach! I'm so existed, then I get up and go to get ready. when I'm done I look at the time and its 12:40pm then I get a text from Calum

C-Calum S-Selena

C- hey babe, on my way(; I hope your ready

S- hey, I'm ready just come in when you get here

C- ok see you in a bit

Then I turned off my phone and went downstairs and made sure I had a towel and a water. then I heard the front door open and I knew it was Calum.

Calum's P.o.v

"Hi Selena" I said

"In the kitchen" she said and I went to the kitchen

"You got what you need?" I asked

"Ya all I really needed was a towel and I grabbed a water" she said

"Cool, and I have everything else we would need." I said and we left.

*skipping the car ride*

First we went to cold stone to get ice cream and then headed to the beach.

At the beach

"Race you to the water" I challenge her

"Oh it's on hood" she said and then giggled and we ran to the water and I beat her there "dang it," she said and I laughed and pulled her close to me

"You are amazing and I love a girl who likes do this type if stuff with me, a girl who likes to be challenged" I said and she blushed ad I smiled and kissed her and she kissed back then pulled away and she pushed me into a big wave and she just laughed and I grabbed her wrist and pulled her with me and we laughed then after a while of having fun at the beach we went back to her place and got cleaned up and cuddled on the couch and we watched a movie.

The next day Kelsie's P.o.v

I've been keeping this big secret from everyone and trying my best to hide it as much as possible but I'm pregnant and I don't know what Niall's reaction will be (and yes me and Niall have had sex 1 time) and I think it's time for me to tell someone. I went to my dad after he got off work, he's been working alot lately and he's only been working alot is to get us a nice big house. I went to Starbucks with him knowing that my favorite place to go and I got a white chocolate mocha frappe,

"Ok so what did you want to talk about" he asked

"Ok but you have you promise not to freak out" I said

"I promise" he said

"Ok" I said and took a deep breath before continuing "I'm pregnant" I said and his eyes almost popes out if his head "and I don't know what Niall's reaction will be" I said and that's when he put up his finger signaling me to hold on a min

"Ok, I'm trying my best not to freak out" he said "have you told anyone this? I mean Niall is your boyfriend you have to tell him" he said and he was right I've been pregnant for 2 and a half weeks

"I know but I'm scared of what his reaction might be, he might leave me dad" I said

"Niall would never leave you, Niall is the sweetest and most kindest person you could ever know, and I'm sure Niall would love to know that hhe's going to be a father if its his" he said and I took a deep breath

"Your right dad, I should tell him" I said and we went back to the house.

At the house

I'm super duper nervous to tell him I'm thinking of everything that could go wrong right now. I went to the kitchen and saw Niall, harry and louis, topical.

"Hey babe" Niall said came over and gave me a hug and kiss

"Hey" I said "I love your hugs, there amazing I'm going y call then Horan hugs" I said and he laughed at me "and I have something to tell you" I said and we went to his room

"What is it?" he asked

"I'm pregnant" I said

Niall's P.o.v

When she told me that I remember the party.

"We need to find out how many" I said and she smiled brightly and gave me a hug then I pulled out of the hug and looked into her eyes

"I was so scared that you were going to leave me if I told you" she said and started to tear up

"I would never leave you" I said "your my whole world I just remember that" I said and she smiled again and we went downstairs "hey guys we'll be back" I said said and they just nodded and continued to watch TV.

At the hospital

We were in a hospital room waiting for the doctor to come back with the results, and now he walks in.

"Ok, mama your pregnant with 2 kids" he said and my face light up and we went back to the house to tell the guys the good news

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