Chapter 10

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Kelsie's P.o.v

I don't know if its just me or Luke and Casey are starting to become enemies, for the past week Casey and Luke have been ignoring each other a lot lately. I don't know what happened between them, I mean to be honest, they never got along every seance she came so we can meet her. I don't know if they knew each other back in school or what but I need to find out what happened.


Me and Niall were having a food fight in the kitchen, Liam and louis are about to kill each other trying to get the remote and so one of then can pick the movie, Michael went out with his new girlfriend, Ashton and Casey are trying to stop louis and Liam from killing each other, Calum said he met a girl named Selena and they went out to 'have fun', Luke said he met a girl and they went on a date, and harry and Zayn are trying to stop me and Niall from food fighting but that failed.

Harry's P.o.v

Me, louis and Zayn are currently trying to stop a food fight between Niall and Kelsie and its not working!!
But then I remembered Simon was going to come and just pay us a visit, and I told him to just come in when he comes. FUCK!!

"GUYS STOP!!" I yell, then I heard the door open 'DAMNIT THAT'S SIMON' I thought to myself,

"WILL YOU 2 STOP THROWING FOOD AT EACH OTHER!!" Me, louis, and Zayn yell at the same time.

Ashton's P.o.v

Me and Casey are chasing louis and Liam around the house trying to get them from killing each other until,

"STOP!!" We heard someone yell and everyone stopped and I was right at the steps and fell all the way down,

"Oh my god are you ok!?" Casey said and ran down to help me up

"Ya I'm fine, just so tired that I happened to fall down the stairs" I said.

Zayn's P.o.v

All of a sudden we heard a loud stop and we all froze then Ashton fell down the stairs but thankfully he was ok, I looked at who it was and it was Simon.

"What is going on hear!" he yelled

"Thank god!" I finally yelled in relief
"Kelsie and Niall are having a food fight that me and harry are trying to stop!! and louis and Liam are trying to kill get the remote to pick a movie and ashton and casey were chasing them around the house trying to stop them from killing each other!! and everyone else is out with their girlfriends well besides Ashton and Casey, " I said "now that you 2 are done trowing food at each other go get cleaned up!!" I yelled at Kelsie and Niall "and sepretly!!" I added knowing what Kelsie and Niall had in mind.

"And you 2!!" Casey yelled and pointed at Liam and louis "go put the remote away and go to watch a movie in your own room!!" she yelled, then Liam put the remote away and they both went to there room.

"Sorry Simon, I didn't expect this to happen today, but me and Zayn have to clean the kitchen from Kelsie and Niall's mess, and casey and you Make sure Kelsie and Niall are taking showers sepretly?" Harry asked Casey

"Sure" she said and ran upstairs, then all of a sudden we heard yelling from upstairs,

"I should go check on them" Ashton said and went upstairs to see what's going on.

Harry's P.o.v

"Again I'm so sorry Simon, that you had to walk in on that." I said

"It's fine harry I can help you clean up if you want" Simon said

"If its not to much to ask" I said because I really didn't want Simon to have to do it but we did need more than 2 people to clean up,

"Oh no it's fine harry I'll help" Simon said

"Thank you so much Simon, I owe you big time" I said

"No you don't its fine really" Simon said.


After about 2 hours of cleaning we talked and had fun and then eventually everyone came home and Simon had to leave.

Kelsie's P.o.v

Me, Niall, Ashton, Luke, and Casey stayed up for a little bit longer just to see what's up with Casey and Luke, but I'm a little bit drunk and so is Niall.

"Ok Casey. what's up with you and Luke? you guys are always at each others throats and ignoring each other" I said,

"Well it's been a great night but Casey you should probably get going and we all need to get some sleep" Ashton said to Casey

"No no no, this is a good question I think Casey should answer" Luke said and glared at Casey

"Wait this should be taken seriously" I said and sat cris-cross on the couch and put on a serious face and Niall laughed

"Ya it's time for you 2 to go to bed " Ashton said

"Awww noooo" I whined and Niall got up from the couch and put me over his shoulder and went up to his room and put me on his bed, "can I get one go your shirts Ni?" I asked

"Sure" Niall said and he gave me a shirt and I went to the bathroom in his room and took off my shirt and shorts and put on Niall's shirt he gave me and it was a little big and it stopped right below my bottom. then I came out of the bathroom and saw Niall laying on the covers with just shorts on and he looked up at me and bit his lip and I looked down and blushed then went on the other side of the bed and got under and so did Niall and I put my head on his chest and put one arm around my waist and the other holding my hand and we fell asleep.

Casey's P.o.v

Ashton is taking me home seance I don't have my car with me, it's back at my house. I just can't believe Kelsie would ask me that I even told her that I would never want to talk about it, well I can't blame her for most of it because she was drunk so.

"Are you ok?" Ashton asked me and put his Hand on my leg,

"Um, ya I'm fine" I said, which is a lie

"I know your lying" he said and moved his hand 'damnit' I thought to myself

"I just can't Believe she would ask me that" I said and finally looked at my boyfriend

"Well she was drunk. Hey, how about you come over tomorrow, or you can stay the night and maybe she won't bring it up the next day" he said and me being me I said yes and when we got to my house I packed my bag and headed back to Ashton's house.


Me and Ashton are laying in his bed watching TV the next thing I know I heard Ashton say 'I love you, goodnight' and I just said 'I love you too' and we fell asleep.

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