Chapter 2

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Sunday-the next day

"morning" Liam said

"morning Liam. how did you sleep?" I said

"I slept great-which is weird because I never slept great before" Liam said

"maybe its because I slept with you" I said

"we're going to have to find out" Liam said

"yup. well come on let's make breakfast" I said

"well we can't cook in here" Liam said

"Well of course we can't silly I was talking about in the mansion" I said and started to run inside and Liam ran after me. I ran up the stairs and when Liam caught me we fell on the bed in one of the rooms.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" I said and giggled

"I don't know I just think you really pretty" Liam said

"How do you think I'm pretty? I think I'm ugly" I said sitting up on the bed and putting my head down

"Don't say that. Your very pretty." Liam said

"Why don't you prove it" I said

"Ok I will and I'm taking you on a date at the beach. tonight" Liam said

"Is it an option?" I asked

"No it's not an option. you have to. you want me to prove or to your right?" Liam said

"Ya I do" I said

"Then you have to come" Liam said

"Fine. now lets make breakfast" I said and pulled Liam along with me.
"Morning beautiful" Michael said

"Morning Michael" I said

"Oh, what's cooking" Michael said

"Me and Liam are making breakfast" I said

"Ok just let me know when it's done I'll be chilling on the couch" Michael said

"Oh no you don't you're going to help me and Liam cook" I said

"But whhhyyyyy" Michael pouted

"Because we're making a big breakfast
There's a lot if people who need to eat" I said

"Fine" Michael said and helped us out. a few minutes later Zayn came in.

"Morning guys and girl" Zayn said then looked at Michael "hahahahaha,
Oh man she's got you cooking to hahaha" Zayn said

"Hahaha very funny get your but over here and help us cook" Michael said sarcastically

"Fine Zayn said and helped out. when we we're done some went shopping And some stayed home and watched a movie, and me well I was about to go on a date with Liam Payne, then I got a phone call from my friend Casey.

"Hello" I say into the phone

"Hey" Casey said

"Hey what's up?" I said

"WHAT'S UP?!?! YOU HAVEN'T BEEN AT SCHOOL THAT'S WHAT'S UP!!" Casey yelled into the phone

"Stop it" I said talking to someone in the background

"What?" Casey said

"Oh, sorry not you. I'm at a new school. stop it no no give it back." I said talking to the person in the background

"What are you talking about?" Casey said

"Sorry I..." I said and Casey cut me off

"Wait are doing with 1D and...5sos" Casey said

" listen I gota call you back" I said and hung up in her.

"What's wrong?" Liam said

"Umm I don't want to say it because it'll be stupid" I said

"Come on tell us what's wrong" Michael said

"Wait when did you get here?" Liam said

"Just now" Michael said

"Oh,ok" Liam said

"Stay focused. I think Casey knows that I'm with you guys" I said full of worry and not knowing what will happen if she knows where I am.

"That's kinda bad" Michael said

"Ya think" I said sarcastically

"Hahahahaha" Liam laughed

"Not funny" Michael said

"Ok ok. I'm done" Liam said. then louis busted though the door and I screamed because he scared me so bad.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" I screamed
"LOUIS!! you almost have me a heart attack!! don't ever do that again!!" I yelled at him.

"Movie night lets go!!" louis yelled

"Louis I actually ha-" then he cut me off and picked me up and cared me downstairs and put me on the couch next to him.
"Well I did have panes and so did Kelsie but I guess I can do it another time and so can she. well lets go they might take all the good spots" liam said and they went downstairs to watch the movie with the others. I was sitting in between louis and Liam and Luke was siting next to louis and harry, calum, Ashton, and Zayn we're sitting on the floor and Michael was sitting next to Liam. after the first horror movie we put in the next and everyone fell asleep in the middle of the next movie.

"Lets watch a horror movie" louis said

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