part II

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louis couldnt help but admire the taller boy that was sat down across from him. he was perfect. everything about him had such a classy vibe. granted, louis did catch him coming out of a one night stand looking like a hot mess, but even the way he held himself in that situation was so appealing to louis.

louis wasnt gay, but he wasnt exactly straight either- bisexual maybe, but louis didnt like to put labels on things. especially after last night. he was so shitfaced he didnt know if he fucked the woman or the man. oh god, or the dog. to be quite honest though, he's never actually taken time to think about his sexuality. louis just wants to have fun, and he makes sure to do just that by not worrying about the little things to him, i.e; his sexuality. all he knows is he loves people and he loves sex.

louis realizes he's been staring at harry, not really listening to a word he was saying. he did manage to pick up something about a kale diet, but decided to not touch base on it, because even uttering the word kale made him sick to his stomach.

"are you even listening to me, lou-eh?' harry smirked, leaning back into the booth.

"oh give it a rest, harold, you've just come out of a hook up looking a tad bit disastrous. I wouldn't get too cocky too soon now, love." matching harrys movements, he leaned back, folding his arms with a charming smile gracing his lips.

feigning offense, harry put his arm over his heart. "even though I was looking like a bit of a disaster, I still believe I was able to capture your attention, am I wrong there, lou?"

louis locked his jaw in response, trying not to smile at his and harrys banter.

"anyway," louis said, changing the subject because he knew harry had won. and besides, he liked how smug harry looks, knowing he caught his attention. "what do you do for a living?"

leaning forward, louis put his head in the palms of his hands and smiled, anticipating harrys answer.

"I work in a bakery. well I don't really work in it. I mean I use to, but not anymore. not recently I did, when I was sixteen, which I'm not anymore. I'm twenty-one actually so it's been a while.  I actually own a bakery. well not really just one. I own a franchise. maybe you've heard of it? it's called Cake Superior, then again maybe you haven't heard of it-"

"you own fucking Cake Superior?!" louis interrupted him, making harry jump back a little in surprise.

"ehm, yes?" harry said uncertainly, immediately going to rub the back of his neck.

"dude, I'm banned from your fucking bakery." louis laughed, leaning back and covering his face with his hands.

"louis," harry paused, trying to hold back the laugh that's bubbling up in his throat. "what did you do to my bakery?"

uncovering his face, a small smiled played on his lips. "well its not really what I did." a nervous chuckle escaped his lips and he fiddled with his hands under the table.

"please don't say "it's more of who I did" next." when louis shrugged, harry knew that's exactly what he was going to say. "oh my god, you're the guy that had a threesome in the bathroom of my bakery. mate, what the fuck."

louis held jazz hands up by his face and wiggled his fingers, all whilst holding a sheepish smile on his face. "surprise!"

"you had sex. in my bakery. dude, that's so gross. and unsanitary. why would you even think to do that? those poor old ladies that work there, oh my god. I cannot even see you doing- actual scratch that, I can totally see you doing that. but why? I hope they cleaned the bathroom afterwards." harry didn't really know what to feel, it was a mixture of laughing, being disgusted, or being envious that he'd never had the guts to do something like that. let alone doing something like that with louis.

"oh, relax, harold. we didn't even get to finish before one of your ''poor old ladies'' barged in." louis rolled his eyes,  picking up his tea and taking a sip. "besides, it wasn't even good. plus, the guy smelled like raisins, which is not attractive if you were wondering."

"I'll keep that in mind." harry shook his head and laughed at the older boy. "so what are your plans for the day?"

"well," louis started, "i would really like to be able to go back to my flat and shower all of this grime off of me. what about you?"

"dunno," harry shrugged, swirling around his spoon that sat in his cup of tea. "hey, i have a great idea that i now just thought of right in this moment as we were talking." louis laughed and held out his hand, ushering harry to continue.

"how about I drive you home, you can change and shower and do whatever you need to do, then we can go to the bakery and get a snack. after we can go back to my place and watch a movie? if you want?"

louis slowly nods. "but won't you need to change and shower and do whatever also?"

"I have a spare change in the car and I can shower when we get back to my flat." harry shrugged it off, twirling his keys around his finger.

"alright then, what are we still doing here? let's get a move on, curly." louis slid out of the booth, standing and stretching before walking towards the door and opening it for harry.

"and people say chivalry is dead." harry teases. "we do need to go back to the complex to grab my car, though."

"what the fuck? why didn't we drive to the café in it? that was a solid three blocks I didn't have to walk." louis throws his arms up in protest and shakes his head at harry.

"excuse me for not being able to think during the moment, it's not like you mentioned blow jobs to me or anything three seconds before you offered coffee." harry stated, rolling his eyes at the shorter boy.

"eh, what can I say, I'm a real charmer." theres a short pause before louis continues, "and that offer is still on the table by the way."

all harry can do is stare as louis winks at him, before sashaying ahead of him, leaving harry with a single thought.

damn this boy is something.

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