02 - "Do we have a deal?"

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"Do we have a deal?"

In the first floor cafeteria, Kayla sat down at the table with the stranger, sliding her hands under her thighs and shifting restlessly in her chair. Whatever the man wanted to talk to her about, she didn't feel comfortable. Not even remotely.

"Why so nervous?" the dark blonde broke the iron silence in an amused tone, causing Kayla to jump and look at him, sniffling because her mind was somewhere else, "Oh man. Everything's fine, yeah? There's no reason to look so glum."

"No reason? My sister is as good as dead and nothing can change that," Kayla replied weakly, trying to swallow the lump in her throat and closing her eyes for a second before pushing her brown hair back over her forehead and leaning back as far as the chair would allow, "Who are you and... what do you want?"

"Let me make you a proposition," the stranger, unimpressed by her current state, folded his hands in front of his face and pointed at Kayla with his index fingers, "I am the solution to all your problems. After all, I am Lucifer and therefore the best thing that could have happened to you."

How fitting. In a situation like this, where a life was on the line, there was no better person to meet than the devil himself. Who would believe that? Kayla, for example? There was no way that the guy sitting in front of her, watching her with amusement, was Lucifer. The king of hell and fallen archangel, of all things. The purest fairy tale.

Every single word Lucifer uttered in the next few minutes barely made sense, nor was it anything but what could be called ordinary conversation. While he talked about how easy the whole thing was and how Kayla didn't have to do anything, he took a roll of paper out of his inner jacket pocket, unrolled it and laid it on the table for her.

"Five years? And then what?" Kayla asked, because there were a few items that didn't add up; she glanced at the back of the contract, which she couldn't read anyway, and looked over at Lucifer, whose face was harder to read than anything else, "How am I supposed to know what happens in five years? I can't even read this. I might not even be alive then. Especially since I wonder what will happen after five years. Will the time of her death be postponed by just those years? It could be anything."

"Your worries are completely unfounded," and just because Lucifer said that, all the doubts and related worries Kayla had would magically disappear, leaving a benevolent feeling instead, "In five years, you and I will meet again, and your little sister will be living a happy and contented life. All you have to do is sign, your soul will be mine in five years, and some day, when you've lived your life, you'll die as before. Nothing else."

It sounded too good to be true. After minutes that felt like hours, Kayla asked for a pen, which Lucifer handed her, but no ink, as it was a pen and not a ballpoint or ordinary fountain pen. His explanation was that this kind of deal was only sealed in blood and was only valid that way. So Kayla stuck the tip of the pen into her thumb and signed where her name was.

 So Kayla stuck the tip of the pen into her thumb and signed where her name was

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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