💕Midnight Flight (Nuzi)

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Author POV:  (when will choose a diff POV istg-)

(After season finale)

It was around the time where the sun was starting to set. Of course N could watch them, he just couldn't be in the presence of the sunlight at that time. But if he were going to compare a sunset to anything, he would say Uzi's new eyes.

One of her eyes fading from a red to a purple, the other fading from yellow to purple. They were absolutely breath taking.

This was because Cyn ate doll, who Uzi then took her corruption, which included Doll's solver, Cyn's broken solver, and her own.

Though neither Cyn or Doll were living in her body, she still obtained their colors, and some of their powers. From time to time, the solver would take control of her tail, but that would only happen occasionally.

N was off to her place, strutting the halls happily. Now that he and V had been approved and accepted by the other drones, they were now allowed inside of the bunker. 

Of course they still lived on worker oil, all three of them, they were still apparently allowed inside.

Best of all though- he was accepted by Uzi's parents.

This was a shock to both of them, especially after Cyn had possessed Uzi and N admitted to them hanging out. Now they were allowed to hang out at Uzi's house, but only with their supervision.

Of course they hung out even without their superintendence anyways though. Sometimes they liked doing things that they would never approve of when in their sight.

For example: Killing off the worker drones so they could have a midnight snack.

They got caught doing that once and N got a pretty large lecture from Khan and Nori for teaching their daughter to do such things.

Of course they weren't only doing it for fun. They both would die if they didn't have oil. Of course they wouldn't listen when he tried to point this out though. Even though Nori also went through it when she was still in her body, her and Khan weren't budging.

They told him that the workers also had a oil that they drank. N then realized that they didn't understand. Disassembly drones and drones with the solver had to drink worker oil to survive. It would be like forcing a carnivore to eat plants and herbs. They wouldn't be able to survive. They would die.

Though Nori also had the solver, she was just a core now, and didn't need anything to survive anymore. That was why she didn't understand either.

N walked away defeated. They wouldn't understand. That was why he and his girlfriend sneaked off alone so often.

V obviously teased them for this, but she had no reason too. He and Uzi were just doing innocent and fun things. Well- most of the time.



But that was besides the point. N and Uzi snuck out, did a couple of fun things, and then snuck back before the sun came out and burned them both.

One time they tried to redo the dance they had at prom int the sky, but it didn't go so well.

Apparently the solver thought it was a nice time to control her tail, while it was intertwined with N's and decided to bite it.

"Danger!" The tail barked, going in to bite it again. "Maybe if you wore a bow, this would have never happened!"

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