Chapter 1 I bet...

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I grabbed my phone to see if I had any notifications.

Again, Jeffrey tagging me in pictures and blowing my phone up with texts and instagram likes and stuff. Also my fans blowing up my phone. I replied to most of them and then sat my phone down so I could find clothes for the day. When I walked over to my closet, I found that there was nothing I wanted to wear, so I walked over to my older sisters room.

She went to college and left some of her old stuff in here for me to have.

I went to her closet and decided on a pair of grey Nike sweatpants, a pink Just Do It shirt, and an old pair of her Nike tennis shoes. Then I walked back to my room, grabbing my black headband and pulling my hair in to a messy ponytail. I grabbed my make-up bag and did my usual light mascara and light eyeliner.

I picked up my black iphone 4 and my backpack then ran down the stairs. Not to mention I was in a hurry to get to the bus stop before my best friend Jeffrey.

See, we have this bet that if I can get ready faster than him and make it to the bus stop before him, than he will post a Vine of him singing. I get to pick the song.

I have never heard him sing. But he has heard me sing. Actually, almost everyone has. I lost that same bet a long time ago. I had to post a Vine. And from then on out, I kinda got famous...

Let me introduce myself.
My name is Kaylee Jo White.
I am 14 years old.
I like McDonalds.
I have 1.7 million followers on all of my social medias.
Me and Jeffrey are the OTP of our school. (Even though we are not dating)
I am popular.
Me and Jeffrey are the most popular people in the school.
We try to keep it just the two of us, but we do socialize...a lot.


I ran out of the door and as I did, Jeffrey walked out of his house. As soon as we made eye contact, we turned and ran as fast as we could to the stop. I won.
He had a look of shock on his face when he saw that he had lost the bet.
"What?! No!! You cheated!!" Jeffrey yelled playfully. "I did not! We started at the same time!!" I yelled back. Yes. Playfully. "Whatever. Come to my house after school and I will make the Vine." He rolled his eyes and walked onto the bus. I followed after him.

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