Chapter 3 Can I Tell You Something?

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"Wow. I didn't know you were so amazing." I said.
Jeffrey blushed and looked away.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of. Okay? Now post it!!!!"He did as I said and then I liked and revined it immediatly. Then I watched it several times.
All the while, Jeffrey is blushing and asking me to stop watching it.
"Jeffrey. This is nothing to be ashamed of. You have the voice of an angel." I smiled. "And I would kill for a voice like yours."
"That'd be weird if you had my voice."
"Yeah. But I meant I would kill for an anazing singing voice."
"Kaylee, you already have one. Ask your fans. They love you!"
"Yeah, but what about all my haters?"
I looked down. Jeffrey doesn't like when I talk about them. 'It brings you down and I want to see your smile all the time. Don't let them fool you. Haters are just fans that are scared to admit it.' He once said to me.
"Kaylee Jo! Stop talking about them!! It makes me want to cry whenever I see you sad!"
I sat there wide-eyed. Did it really? Wow. I never knew.
"I'm sorry Jeffy."
"It's okay. Just...can I tell you something?" He asked.
"I realllllyy like you. And I have every since the show and tell of first grade. You brought your new karaoke system. Even though it was a kid one. And sang to the class. Even then your voice was amazing. That's what drawed me in. But then as we grew up, you grew more beautiful everyday. And I can't help but to say you are perfectly imperfect. I am just going to say that the only flaw I see in you is that you're not mine." He let out a small breath. Then looked down at his feet. By then I was already crying softly.
"Do you really think that Jeffrey?"
"I meant every word."
"Well let me say something."
"In the third grade, when you had to move away. I cried. I bawled. I did not leave my room. Even though you were gone only 5 months. I did not eat much. I ate an egg in the morning and a banana at night. My mom brought me my food. I did not care about school. I had to go to summer school that summer to re-do the third grade. But when I heard you moved back across the street, I changed my clothes, ate a big breakfast, and smiled so big that I thought my jaws were gonna snap apart. So let's just say, I really like you too." He smiled and then did something I never thought would happen. He kissed me. I kissed back of course.
"Be mine Kaylee."
"Always Jeffrey."

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