Please, Help! | 6

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{{"You may think it's done, but there's always something waiting"}}

(First Person POV. Y/N)

We had gone through elections, putting in votes for class president. During this, an alarm went off. I saw from the corner of my eye there were reporters outside the building, which was probably what caused the sudden commotion. Still, I followed Midoriya and the others outside of the classroom.

It was crowded; I immediately lost sight of Midoriya. Getting pushed through, squeezed and kicked, I saw above a familiar navy blue haired boy floating (though a bit frantic) above everyone. He went on top of the doorway  to the shelter, trying to calm everyone down by informing that it's just reporters, not villains.

"Whoa..."I say, proud of Iida.

When everyone returned to class, Midoriya started saying how he isn't fit for being class representative, and Iida should instead. I was happy with Midoriya's response and decision, and Iida said he'll help lead the class through.

So in the end, Iida was class president and Yaoyorozu was co-rep. Fitting.

During class, Aizawa explained how we'll be doing rescue training. I was excited, to say the least. "You'll all have three instructors out in the building. Me, All Might, and another faculty member to be watching you and your progress."

Three heroes? Thats a lot. Is the building that big? Are we that important? Or is it just because of the break in.

"You'll be dealing with natural disasters, ship wrecks, stuff like that." Oh, now it makes sense.

We all were a bit excited, things like: "Wow, big stuff!" "I get to show off how good I am in water." "This is what separates the men from the boys!" Etc.

"Hold on." Aizawa said, "I understand your excitement, and your costumes, but just remember that they're still new, so it might make you hold back on your abilities." He clicks the button and the costumes pop out. "This new rescue training is off-campus in a nearby facility, so we will be taking a bus."

And he leaves us to get ready. Most people gets up to get their costume besides Midoriya. When everyone gets changed, they meet outside. Me and Uraraka walk up to Midoriya, a bit confused, "Deku? Why aren't you in your costume?" She asked, gesturing towards his PE clothes.

"You saw how it looked after the training last time.. They still are repairing it!" He explained, and I nodded in understanding.

"Ah- okay. Well, i guess th-"


"GATHER AROUND, CLASS 1-A!" A very loud and strict voice was heard. Wait a second, thats where he was. Iida!


We all kind of pause and blink at Iida. My mouth was agape, but I was also trying to not just burst out laughing at the rep. He's so cringe...

"I-Iida's definitely filling his role..." I say, my hand covering my mouth as my cheeks were red from how much I was trying to hold back laughter at my friend.

"He's for sure getting into high gear as our class rep, huh.?" Izuku said, a bit quieter than I did.

"Uh-huh..." Uraraka agreed.

And, unfortunately for Iida, the bus seats weren't exactly how he planned.

It was an open layout, so there weren't 2 seats each way as Iida planned there to be. In one of the 4 seats in one side of the bus sat me on one end, Izuku on my other side, a frog girl by him, and a red haired boy by her. In the other side, across from me sat Iida, then a pink girl in front of Midoriya, a sparkling blonde by her, and a boy who I think name was 'Kaminari' by the sparkles.

"If we're saying stuff about the obvious, then I'd like to say something." The frog girl started, looking at Midoriya, "Actually, about you."

"W-me?! What about me, Asui.?" Midoriya nervously spoke, flinching a bit.

"I told you to call me Tsu."

Oh right, thats her name! Tsuyu Asui.

"That Quirk of yours... wouldn't ya say it's similar to All Might's?" My mind travels back to Midoriya and Bakugo's conversation.

Well, after Midoriya's nervous decline, Kirishima says how All Might doesn't hurt himself so it's difficult to compare them. Everyone spoke about people having cool Quirks and what not, and I lost interest in the conversation when Bakugo started yelling.

"We're here." I heard Aizawa say, and there was where we met with the space hero. She introduced us to the building, explaining each part of the training facility.

Once she finished explaining, Aizawa asked about All Might, but apparently he's too tired to come at the moment.

Thirteen spoke about her Quirk, how it could kill, but also save and rescue people. She told us to always be focused, and don't forget about how our Quirks are powerful.

It's nice, being reminded of this. But the words definitely remind me of Bakugo.

Suddenly, the lights flicker a bit, and a dark mist appears in the middle of the USJ building.

"Guys.. what is that!" I point out, and Aizawa immediately turned around. Everyone else notices, and..

Many villains walked through. Kirishima assumed it was apart of training, but I knew better. This was real, and those were actual villains. MANY villains.

Thirteen was instructed to protect us students, Aizawa jumping down to fight. There are so many, how will someone with a defense Quirk stop all of them?! But clearly, Aizawa proved us wrong. His scarf, which I still think is magic, is what helped him through. He managed to knock many of the villains down, by himself. I could see a blue haired villain in the back. He looked.. sinister, as if everything about him was pure hatred. Pure Evil, something i'd rather not come close to.

All Might, Please, help!

"Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida.! Stay close together.!" I try suggesting, but the same black mist appears behind our class.


And thats how we ended up skipping training that day.


{Apologies for skipping USJ incident.}

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