A bit about me

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Hey, you folks don't know much about me do you? I'm not a huge fan of my personal info online, but I'll give some of the interesting stuff.

My name is -(t e x t  r e d a c t e d)- but I go by Crash online. I'm fourteen in 2024, if you want to know in the future but you're lazy, I was born in 2010. Go figure. Anyways, I like writing, I've been dabbling in horror lately and I start nine times the amount of projects I finish.

I live in Sydney, Australia which is great, but I guess I don't have any comparison points. Could you guys comment some Aussie stereotypes coz I really want to know what y'all think of us.

Anyways, on a more personal note I really, really love music. I play about five instruments or so. Specifically, I like jazz music. That's fun.

I like word games. And the colour purple. And beetroot and pineapple in vast quantities, together.

No photos lol.

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