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Hey teenfic. Isn't this amazing? You've got three different chapters in three different books by three different wattpad users dedicated to slamming you for the stupid things you've done, which is more attention than you deserve for the rest of your sorry existence. But hey, you've got plenty of complaints to read.

Go check out Vivi's for one of the best passive aggressive pieces I've ever read. Go check out Gwen's for the disgusting truth. 

But hey come here if you're too scared to take them on and you want someone who doesn't swear in their writing (sorry Vivi, not using ur image amazing as it is).

But hey come here if you're too scared to take them on and you want someone who doesn't swear in their writing (sorry Vivi, not using ur image amazing as it is)

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Hey some of those look familiar. Ever wonder whether we actually consented to having you stick our stats and our names and our covers and our work on your crappy site and slapping your stupid "full" stickers on them?

Yeah, you're full just like 'your' stories. You're just full of bs. 

Wattpad's had its problems, but at least they don't put disgusting phishing ads and obvious weight loss scams all over their site. And the community here is good and welcoming and accepting and I love it, unlike the decidedly icky... thing you guys have built. 

We worked hard, and not just so you can squeeze our covers between the gross ads on your gross site.

Oh wait, look here.

Congrats on your thievery speed guys, this book is literally two weeks old and you've already stolen it, and one of Gwen's newest stories

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Congrats on your thievery speed guys, this book is literally two weeks old and you've already stolen it, and one of Gwen's newest stories. I can't believe you guys actually think you've got any little shred of decency to be proud of.

Hope you lie awake at night thinking of us.

Hope you step on gumnuts first thing in the morning.

Hope your computer didn't charge last night so that you can't steal anything today.

Please stop stealing our work and we'll stop lashing back at you.

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