The Cinema...

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As soon as the movie finished playing, two-door opened and a sound of something exploding came. As they all went outside, they saw

"A Cinema?" Branch said, knowing how Funk Trolls cinemas are, as he looked around he saw Trolls? No, these are not Trolls, all they have is a shadowy figure.

Spruce looked around and just saw food and 5 rooms, 3 of them being locked and the one they were in was open as the door next to it had a broken lock

"A bathroom!" John said as he went to it Clay saw a claw machine only for it to be needing coins, something he didn't know are while Clay grabbed a pamphlet of the Cinema.

The Story of Pop Trolls

"Guys, look at this" Clay said as everyone except John came to Clay "Pop Trolls?" Rosiepuff said as King Peppy froze "Whatever it is it might be focused on us and forcing is to see it" Clay said.

Viva came back with so much sugary drinks and food. "But is there any way we can leave" Viva said, handing Poppy a slushie and chocolate

King Peppy grabbed another pamphlet and read it a bit "Yes, if we watch all of these we can go home" King Peppy said as Rosiepuff made a sad smile "Wait!" Branch yelled.

"What about my Grandma her death is literally about to happen. Is there a way to change it?" Branch said grabbing a pamphlet for himself, but nothing.

"Just looks like we can only change the future" King Peppy said as Branch started crying as Rosiepuff wiped Branch's tears "Knowing you grew up into a nice, handsome young man is enough for me to be in the clouds Peachfuzz"

"Hate to ruin the moment Grandma, but we should see the one that's called" Clay looked at the pamphlet "Holiday"

King Peppy coughed a bit "Okay every get food and snacks and use the bathroom while you can, assuming we leave the showing after its done how about we all go to the next one after" King Peppy points to his hug time watch "3 hug times" everyone nodded as they left to do their own thing

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