Escape and Party...

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"Once upon a time... in a happy forest, in the happiest tree lived the happiest creatures ever" Poppy voice acting as the narrator said

"Oh I remember this, I was preparing this story for class" Poppy said

Branch was quiet, after all he knew Poppy did already tell this story

"The Trolls" as a Scrapbook Troll showed up "They loved nothing more than to sing, and dance, and hug, dance, and sing, and dance, and sing, and hug, and dance" The Scrapbook Troll panted until they passed out

Clay rolled his eyes at that while Spruce just huffed "I mean kind of we also really liked being alive" John Dory said as Floyd, Spruce and Clay also mumbled with agreement

"Or baking" Rosiepuff added trying to keep up the light mood "Oh yeah can't forget that"

"But then one day the trolls were discovered by...a Bergen! The Bergen's didn't know how to sing" as the Scrapbook Bergen's sand off-key making everyone wince a bit at the awful tune "Or Dance" The Scrapbook Bergen's kicked themselves and pulled the other's underwear giving them a wedgie "Or even Hug".

"They were the most miserable creatures in all the land" as a scrapbook cloud came in and rained on them

All of them laughed a bit as Branch rolled his eyes from the expression of Cloud

"And once they saw how happy the Trolls were... they wanted some of that happiness for themselves" as the scrapbook Troll sang the Bergen pushed it with its thumb eating them as the other scrapbook Trolls gasp "Oh my God!"

"Eating a Troll made them feel so happy... they started a tradition" The scrapbook showed the tree being caged surrounded by Bergen Town "Once a year, every year... the Bergen's would gather around the Troll Tree to taste happiness on a holiday they called... Trollstice"

It changed from Scrapbook to The actual things as the Camera went into Bergen Town Castle, and it's shown the Prince Gristle Jr pedaling across the castle until he went to his father room who was asleep

As Prince Gristle busted through the door he landed on his father stomach "Good Morning, Daddy!" As that didn't work he kept at it "Daddy, Wake up! Daddy, wake up! Wake up! Wake up, Daddy!" As Prince Gristle even jumped on his father stomach he soon later did this.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy, wake up!" Prince Gristle ripped King Gristle chest hair.

It made every male shutter "...Is it bad for me to feel bad for that father" King Peppy said holding his chest hair.

As King Gristle shouted "Gristle! What time is it?" As Prince Gristle had stars in his eyes he spoke, "It's Trollstice"

"Trollstice! Our one time to be happy" As Prince Gristle cheered, and every Bergen started marching towards the Tree.

King Peppy looked uneasy "This just happened"

The Chef helper prep two grills as the Chef made her reveal "Please give it up for your Keeper of Troll, Your Minister of Happiness, Your Royal Chef! Me" as the Chef sharpen her blades the two grills shot out 2 towers of flame making every Bergen cheer.

"This is a very special Trollstice as there is one amongst us who has never tasted a Troll" The Chef pointed her staff to Prince Gristle as he said "Ooh, me! She is talking about me!" as Every Bergen stared at their prince with a smile.

"Prince Gristle..." Gristle gasped as the Chef continued "...the time has come" as Gristle was lower his father turned to him "It's okay, son I remember being nervous my first time" King Gristle said as Prince Gristle whispered "Okay".

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