A Break from the Cinema

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Rosiepuff was near the line for food as Poppy went up to her "Hi Branch's Grandma" Poppy said trying to be nice and polite "Oh Rosiepuff is fine dear would you like some food!" Rosiepuff offered "No I'm fine Viva got me a lot of food" Poppy said "Well dear anything you would like to speak?" Rosiepuff asked.

"Well..." Poppy said "How was Branch when he was...colorful" Poppy said trying to be delicate "Well I may not know how he was in his 20 years of being gray, but he was the most social but anxious Trolling always wanting to make friends but to shy to actually get started his best friend Boom was only made was because of Clay".

Poppy smiled "Boom...sounds familiar just like Branch brother but..." "Oh maybe because of their band they broke off years ago because of the three couldn't manage their anger but I do remember some people still buying Brozone vinyls"

Poppy gasped "Brozone! Like thee Brozone so Branch bros are Brozone bros!" Poppy shouted, "Yep sadly they were only around for a year before leaving poor Branch with me" Rosiepuff said sadly.

"But enough with the sad stuff does Branch still love chocolate it was his favorite as a kid" Rosiepuff asked "Well not really he eats oatmeal and unflavored stuff" Poppy said in disgust "Well he is an adult so it makes sense" Rosiepuff said as the conversation cane to a halt "Hug Time!" Poppy yelled as she hugged Rosiepuff and hair.

She gives nice hugs

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Branch was in the arcade as John nervously walked up to him "Hey... Bitty" Branch just frowned "Branch" "Anyway can I ask...if you're okay?" John said as Branch raised an eyebrow "Yeah I am why?" John fiddle his fingers "Just you were gray and I feel like I failed you" John said as Branch hugged John "Oh yeah you guys did, but you guys may have shown up late on my life but doesn't mean you aren't trying" as Branch said that his hug time bracelet chimed as he opened his arms as John hugged him.

"Proud of ya Branch" John said as Branch inhaled, "Thanks Big Brother"

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Branch was walking around after his talk with John Dory and found King Peppy "Oh hey King Peppy" Branch greeted the king "Hello Branch it really seems like you are very knowledgeable about this stuff I can't imagine how far we got into technology" King Peppy said

"Eh not that far mainly because of the Funk Trolls" Branch not knowing King Peppy flinched "...Ah, that's good to know..." King Peppy said, "Hows...you and my daughter relationship?" King Peppy held off the other tribes "Viva or Poppy's" Branch asked "Poppy".

"Well she bothered me for years to be her friend she got me my colors back and well no offense but she's a better leader than everyone because she learns" Branch said "Well at least I know she's doing well" King Peppy said leaving

"Oh wait, King Peppy doesn't know about the tribes reuniting again" Branch said to himself

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