Chapter 1

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third person POV

Summer before third year was coming to an end which meant back to school and back to training hard. Katsuki had spent the whole summer with his supposed "bakusquad." he has no idea where they got that from or why he was their chosen leader but he never really corrected them, just let them drag him wherever they wanted to go. He acted annoyed every time but secretly he loved their company and each of his friends individually.

Occasionally the Dekusquad would join in making them the BakuDeku squad. Katsuki and Izuku now somewhat got along. Or at least it was better than first year and definitely better than middle school. However, there was something about the boy Katsuki couldn't quite shake. His kindness and optimism, his cheery smile, his hard-working nature, his green eyes and freckles, and boy how Katsuki could go on and on if someone would let him.

These were feelings Katsuki couldn't quite put his finger on. they couldn't be romantic right? Izuku is a boy Katsuki is a boy and it just wouldn't make sense. Plus even if that were the case they're rivals. Katsuki supposedly hates Deku or so he thought. He constantly reassures himself that he in fact does not have a romantic connection to this boy. So he would ignore the little heart flutter he gets every time they brush hands by accident or make eye contact or every time Izuku smiles.

He would bottle it up and push it down because it just made no sense. It was truly ridiculous right? Something he could laugh about when he was older. He sighs as he's being pulled out of his thoughts by his mother knocking on his door. "what do you want? Hag" the door bursts open. "Don't talk to me like that Katsuki or your teeth are going down your throat!" Of course Mitsuki didn't mean any of that she loved Katsuki to pieces but they show affection in a way that most wouldn't understand unless you were also a Bakugou. He sighs "You're a head ache woman what?" "nothing I just love you" she beams and hits Katsuki over the head. "Anyway I came in here to tell you one your fathers home, two dinners on the table, and three you have to get started on packing to get moved back into dorms apparently you're getting a roommate this year."

"what?? Are you kidding? I have to spend the year sharing a room with some shitty extra? I see enough of them as is" Mitsuki shakes her head and sighs. "Won't you TRY being nice to the other kids for a change? You've hung out with them all summer you wouldn't hang out with them if you didn't enjoy their company. It might be a good thing. Plus if you room with Izuku it might help you two-" "I'D RATHER DRINK GASOLINE." Katsuki yells. "Well like it or not you're gonna have a roommate and you're gonna be nice to them brat." She whacks him over the head again. "Quit hitting me I'll kill you!" "Come downstairs for dinner you ungrateful child" He reluctantly gets up and follows. Greeting his father.

"hi son how was your day?" "shitty now that you're both nagging." They sit at the table and they start to eat. Mitsuki made fresh dumplings and ramen. In Katsukis eyes no one could top his mother's cooking. Would he ever tell her that? Maybe if they were the last two people on earth and his life counted on it. "So Katsuki's moving back into dorms soon we need to make it a point to spend time with our boy" She ruffles his hair. "Spending time with you sounds like a hindrance to my day I'd rather train." "Come on Katsuki don't you love us?" "Absolutely not" His father chuckles a little taking a bite of a dumpling. They finish up dinner and Katsuki does the dishes. He can't help the pang of anxiety he feels at the possibility that he'll room with Izuku it's a feeling he tries to shake off. Could he be anxious because of their long time rivalry? No it's not that. Could it be because...well he really doesn't know. There's no reason for him to be scared of that damn nerd.

Katsuki was always ahead and he would keep it that way. Fearing him meant letting him win and Katsuki would never do that. However the anxiety he felt made no sense to him. It was burdening him trying to make sense of it so he let it go he decided he has bigger things to worry about like getting stronger like quirk training like surpassing All Might. Right? His phone buzzes on the counter next to him it was Kirishima inviting him to another hang out.

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