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Sometimes in life you are so strangled in the tough  realisations of reality of life that just is just bent upon the deceptions of your dreams which were ofcourse broken or the wishes that didnot came true that you forget the very moment you are living in
the fact that you couldn't sometimes even tell even if it is  reality, dream or deja vu
what call unfinished memories ,memories of the stories you had different ending in your
mind but they never were meant to be in your way. At that point of time your concious
never allows you to accept the things the way they are or The way they had to end
but still you are again struggling to get out of the Dilemma of what could put end to this so you can get yur eyes closed and sleep peacefully.
What would you do?
Either accept the unacceptable and continue to lead your life with millions of emotions
constantly bombarding in your head but your body is continously floating in the oceans of sorrow that feels same wheather you are floating or sunken to the floor of this ocean
You can construct a beutiful lie and keep yourself beleiving in it one part of your mind wouldbe constantly trying to burst the bubble of this beutifull lie ad the other one would be living in euphoria and ecstacy like constantly living in a dreame state or we can say its like smelling soothing fragrence of rose while clutching the stick so hard that you even bleed to death.

I know the way am making it look like you might be thinking i am willingly exaggerating
a simple process of grief , but deep down you have also felt this in your life even if for a single night but the reality is i am overexpressing the most unexpressed fear you get when you try to sleep after a apparently normal day but as soon you close your eyes
a avalanche of thoughts will crush you. You might be a warrior out there but you are lying helpless there at that moment you also had made this choice the choice from two of the options above.
Wishes and dreams may feel like same but one of them is always a fantasy
the one is always different for everyone

Its a story of Psychiatrist Who could not make a choice
after something that tore his life to millions of pieces
but he had to do what had tbe done for justice
or maybe for a night in which he could just sleep.

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