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Tanjiro pressed on up the mountain, his heart racing with a mix of determination and anxiety. What was [Name] even doing so far behind? They had always been a reliable partner, and the thought of them being in danger gnawed at his insides. He would've stayed back, but deep down, he understood that [Name] would never want him to stop, not when demons were lurking in the shadows, ready to strike. So he took a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever lay ahead, and continued to ascend.

With his sword unsheathed and gripped firmly in his hand, Tanjiro remained vigilant. The air was thick with tension, sharp with the scent of danger all around him. Shadows flickered among the trees, and he could feel the eyes of demons watching, waiting for the right moment to attack. Just as he stepped forward, a creature leapt out from the underbrush with a guttural snarl, teeth bared and claws extended.

Without thinking, Tanjiro reacted instinctively. With a quick twist of his wrist, he swung his sword and slashed through the demon's neck. The creature let out a piercing wail before disintegrating into a cloud of dark ash, leaving nothing but a faint trace of its foul presence behind. Tanjiro stood breathless, the adrenaline pulsing through his veins, but his mind was heavy with worry. Where was [Name]? They had been gone for far too long. Had they been attacked?

He instinctively lifted his nose to the air, inhaling deeply, trying to catch any familiar scent that might guide him towards [Name]. The mountain's cold breeze carried the tang of blood and the musty odor of the demons, but there was nothing that felt right. Panic began to settle in his chest as he caught a whiff of something else—smoke? No, it was more complex, a mix of familiar scents tinged with something acrid and sharp.

"Please, be safe," he murmured under his breath, the words a silent prayer to the spirits of the mountain. He knew he couldn't afford to linger, not now. He needed to keep climbing, to reach the peak where he believed [Name] would ultimately return. Resolutely, Tanjiro pressed on, the weight of his worries fueling his resolve as he prepared himself for whatever adversities lay ahead.


"Speak? I want answers, Douma," [Name] spoke harshly, pushing the demon away from them.

"Hey, don't push me! You're making me think that you don't like me," Douma chuckled.

[Name] growled slightly, before crossing their arms. "How am I supposed to discreetly use my sword? Your scent clings and my brother will notice soon."

Douma's expression grew serious, a sight that [Name] did not enjoy. He sat down on the branch, thinking. Why did he seem like he wasn't joking? [Name] apprehensively sat across from him, and tilted their head to try and see what expression he was making.

"You're very right. That brother of yours will notice..." Douma spoke, rubbing his chin. His eyes then lit up as he raised a finger, "What if I killed him for you? Then he'd have no chance of noticing!"

"You are not touching him. Get rid of the scent or I get rid of you," [Name] threatened.

"That's not going to work, dear. You're far too weak to do that just yet! And what if I..." Douma spoke.

Suddenly, [Name]'s blade was no longer in their grasp. Douma held it tightly as if it were a child he treasured. [Name] jolted backwards, thinking that he'd strike them. Douma only chuckled, before shaking his head.

"Relax, [Name]. I'm not going to bite. I suggest that you use this blade when your brother is not present or is far away. Otherwise, hand-to-hand combat should suffice for you," Douma spoke, handing the blade back.

"Can you remind me why I have this sword? And why I'm not dead after multiple... 'meet-ups' with you?" [Name] asked.

"Mmm, how about we just say I liked your swordsmanship?" Douma spoke, "Have fun, and remember what I said!".

Like that, Douma disappeared from the branch. 


Hi! Sorry but this will be the only chapter I submit today. I've been busy with a school thingo this morning. I feel like these A/Ns are getting shorter and shorter, but that's because I actually have no idea what the heck I'm meant to say. See you tomorrow.

Question: Who is your least favourite demon slayer character?

Taisho Era Secret: To Tanjiro, [Name]'s smile reminds him of Nezuko.

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