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You sit there and everything is quiet
No hum of an electronic device
No sound of voices through the walls
No beeping of your phone
Not a single sound to hear
Except the sound of your breath
The well known sound of your inhales
Deep exhales following sound
Your heartbeat drumming inside of your rip cage
Nothing else besides the sound of your body slowing down
Just sitting there
In silence
But is it really quiet?
Or is it your mind that's still making noise?
Interrupting the perfect moment with loss of sounds?
Is it your mind that's screaming louder than any voice ever could?
Never ready to fully shut up?
Always running just as if you'd die if it doesn't make a sound?
As if you'd be drowning in a see of no sounds if only your mind calms down?
Is it your mind keeping you from enjoying the silence?
Taking in the extinct of sounds?
Is it your mind keeping it away?
The well known sound of silence?
The much desired feeling of being at ease?
In a room where nothing disturbs you?
Or the silence surrounding you?
Your mind can never be silent
As silent as the deepest sea
The silence that is your heart aching to feel
That silence won't come soon enough
Because your mind keeps pushing it away
The silence

Poems of a TeenWhere stories live. Discover now