Panic attacks

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When the fear overcomes you again
Nerv wracking
Gut wrenching
Nothing helps but feeling anxious
Your lungs don't seem to fill with air
Your mind don't seems to stop to work
Your body is shaking to a point it hurts
Your breathing becomes rapid
As rapid as your heartbeat
Your chest feels as if there's pressure on it
So strong you can not breathe
Your mind goes blank but still works full speed
You want it to stop
But you can't say a thing
Goosebumps creep over your skin
Your voice breaks more than once
The constant ringing sound in ear
Seems to make the fear greater
Seems to take over your being
Over your body
You can't control it
Neither can stop it
Just live with it
And try to get back
To where the fear wouldn't overcome you
To where you still could control yourself
To a life without anxiety
Without those heavy panic attacks

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