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Chapter 16: Threads Unraveling

The police station was sterile and cold, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions swirling inside YN. She and Jisoo had been waiting for what felt like hours, the clock ticking loudly in the silence. The evidence they’d brought photos, documents, the recordings sat in a neat pile on the table in front of them. It felt surreal, like a scene out of a nightmare that YN couldn’t wake up from.

Jisoo was next to her, her posture tense, eyes scanning the room as if she expected something to go wrong at any moment. YN couldn’t blame her. After everything they’d been through, it felt like the walls were closing in, and this police station was their last hope for a way out.

Finally, a detective entered the room, a middle-aged man with greying hair and a tired expression. He introduced himself briefly before sitting down across from them, his gaze falling on the stack of evidence.

"So," he began, his voice gruff, "you have something to report about Mr. Kim Namjoon?"

YN nodded, her throat dry. "Yes. He’s been stalking me for years. We’ve brought everything we could find photos, recordings, documents that prove it."

The detective’s eyes flickered with interest as he began to sift through the pile. He took his time, studying each piece of evidence carefully. When he finally looked up, his expression was unreadable.

"This is a lot," he said slowly, "but I need to ask: how did you come by all this information?"

Jisoo glanced at YN before speaking up. "We gathered it ourselves. Some of it was hidden in Namjoon’s office at his company."

The detective frowned, his gaze sharpening. "You mean to say you broke into his office?"

"We didn’t break in," YN corrected quickly. "We found it… under unusual circumstances."

The detective’s frown deepened. "Unusual how?"

YN hesitated, glancing at Jisoo for support. "There’s more to this than just the stalking. Namjoon told me… things about our fathers. He said they were involved in something illegal, something that put us both in danger."

The detective leaned back in his chair, his expression sceptical. "And you believe him?"

"I don’t know what to believe," YN admitted, her voice trembling. "But I need to know the truth."

The detective was silent for a moment, tapping his fingers on the table as he considered her words. Finally, he nodded, though his expression remained guarded.

"Alright," he said, "I’ll have our team look into this. But you should know, these kinds of cases are complicated. It might take some time to get to the bottom of everything."

YN felt a mix of relief and frustration. Time was the one thing she felt she didn’t have, not with Namjoon’s warnings echoing in her mind.

"Is there anything else you can tell us about your father?" the detective asked, his tone probing. "Anything that might corroborate Mr. Kim’s claims?"

YN shook her head, her mind racing to remember anything that might be relevant. But her father had always been a quiet man, distant even, with a job that he rarely talked about. She had never suspected anything out of the ordinary.

"No," she said softly. "He was just… my dad. I didn’t know much about his work."

The detective studied her for a long moment, his eyes searching for any sign that she might be holding back. Finally, he sighed and stood up.

"We’ll be in touch," he said, gathering the evidence. "In the meantime, I suggest you both stay somewhere safe. If Mr. Kim is as dangerous as you say, we don’t want to take any chances."

YN and Jisoo nodded, standing up as well. The detective led them out of the room and back to the lobby, where they exchanged a few more words before heading out into the bright afternoon.

As they walked to the car, YN felt the weight of everything pressing down on her. The detective’s scepticism had only added to her doubts, and now she was left with even more questions than before.

"What now?" Jisoo asked as they climbed into the car.

YN stared out the window, her thoughts a tangled mess. "I don’t know. We wait, I guess. See what the police find out."

Jisoo didn’t say anything for a moment, then she sighed. "I still don’t trust him, YN. Namjoon’s dangerous. You saw how he acted, how he’s been controlling everything."

"I know," YN said quietly, though a part of her still wondered if there was something more to Namjoon’s story, something that even he might not fully understand.

As they drove back to the apartment, YN’s mind drifted to the past, to the memories of her father that she had long buried. What kind of man had he really been? And what secrets had he taken to the grave?

That night, YN lay in bed, unable to sleep. Every noise seemed magnified, every shadow in the room a potential threat. She kept replaying her conversation with Namjoon, his warnings, and the detective’s scepticism. The more she thought about it, the more she realised that she couldn’t just sit and wait. She needed to find answers, and she needed them now.

In the early hours of the morning, YN made a decision. She would go back to her childhood home, search for anything that might give her a clue about her father’s past. It was a long shot, but it was all she had.

She knew Jisoo would try to stop her, so she left a note explaining where she was going and why. She hoped Jisoo would understand that she wouldn’t worry too much.

The drive to her old home was long and filled with memories. As she pulled up to the house, she felt a wave of nostalgia mixed with fear. The house looked the same as it always had, but now it seemed to hold a dark, hidden secret that she was determined to uncover.

Inside, everything was just as she remembered dusty furniture, family photos, the scent of old wood. But now, every creak of the floorboards and every shadow made her heart race.

YN began her search methodically, going through her father’s study, the attic, and finally his bedroom. She was about to give up when she found a hidden compartment in the floorboards under his bed. Inside, she found a box filled with old documents, letters, and photos.

Her hands shook as she opened the box, the contents spilling out onto the floor. The first thing she noticed was a letter addressed to her mother, written in her father’s handwriting. As she read it, her breath caught in her throat.

The letter detailed her father’s involvement in something he referred to as "The Project," a covert operation that had ties to Namjoon’s father. He expressed regret and fear for his family’s safety, urging her mother to take YN and leave if anything ever happened to him.

YN’s heart pounded as she continued to read, the words confirming everything Namjoon had said. Her father had been involved in something dark, something that had put them all in danger. And now, that danger was coming for her.

She knew she had to get out of there, but as she started to gather the documents, she heard a noise from downstairs. Her blood ran cold. Someone was in the house.

Moving as quietly as she could, YN gathered the documents and stuffed them into her bag. She could hear footsteps on the stairs now, getting closer. Her heart raced as she looked around for an escape.

The only way out was through the window. She opened it as silently as possible and climbed out, landing in the bushes below. She didn’t stop to see who had entered the house; she just ran.

As she sprinted towards her car, she heard the sound of footsteps behind her, growing louder. Panic surged through her as she fumbled with her keys, finally getting the door open and throwing herself inside. She started the car and sped away, not daring to look back.

It wasn’t until she was miles away, her heart still pounding, that she allowed herself to breathe. She had the evidence she needed, but now she knew for certain that she was being hunted. And whoever was after her wouldn’t stop until they had what they wanted or until she was dead.

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