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It had been a long day, and Gemini was looking forward to a quiet evening at home. As he pulled into the driveway, he noticed the lights in the house were on. Usually, Fourth would be waiting in the living room, probably engrossed in a video game or lost in one of his many books. But tonight, something felt different—a kind of stillness that made Gemini uneasy.

He opened the front door quietly, stepping inside and listening for any sounds of life. At first, there was nothing but silence, and then he heard a faint clinking noise coming from the kitchen. Curious, he walked towards the sound, his footsteps soft against the hardwood floor.

As he entered the kitchen, the scene that greeted him was both surprising and somewhat alarming. There, sitting on the counter, was Fourth. His usually pale face was flushed a deep red, and in his hand was a half-empty glass of wine. Next to him, an empty bottle of Gemini's favorite vintage sat uncorked, the rich, ruby liquid clearly having been recently enjoyed.

Fourth looked up at him with a grin that was both mischievous and adorable. "Geminiii," he slurred, dragging out the name as though it was the most important word in the world. "You're home!"

Gemini's initial shock quickly turned into a mixture of concern and frustration. "Fourth, what the hell are you doing?" he asked, his voice sharper than he intended. "You're only seventeen! You know you're not supposed to be drinking, especially not my wine."

Fourth giggled, the sound light and bubbly, as though Gemini had just told him the funniest joke. "I was just a little thirsty," he replied, swaying slightly on the counter. "And it smelled so nice... I couldn't help it!"

Gemini ran a hand through his hair, trying to rein in his emotions. Fourth was too young to be drinking, and besides that, the wine was strong—definitely not something someone his age should be indulging in. But as Gemini looked at him, his anger began to fade, replaced by a strange mix of exasperation and affection. Fourth looked so small and vulnerable, his cheeks rosy and his eyes sparkling with a combination of intoxication and sheer joy.

"You're such a handful," Gemini muttered, more to himself than to Fourth. He approached the counter and gently pried the glass from Fourth's hand, setting it aside. "You shouldn't have done this, Fourth."

Fourth pouted, his lower lip jutting out in a way that made him look even younger. "But I wanted to see what it was like," he murmured, leaning forward until his forehead rested against Gemini's chest. "And now I feel all warm and happy."

Despite himself, Gemini couldn't help but smile a little. Fourth had always had a way of getting under his skin in the most endearing way possible. He placed his hands on Fourth's shoulders, steadying him as he wobbled slightly on the counter. "You're going to feel something else entirely tomorrow morning," he warned. "But for now, let's get you down from there before you hurt yourself."

Fourth's eyes brightened as he looked up at Gemini, a wide, innocent smile spreading across his face. "Carry me?" he asked, his voice soft and pleading.

Gemini sighed, but it was a fond sigh, the kind that spoke of deep affection and a hint of indulgence. "Alright, come here," he said, scooping Fourth up into his arms with ease. Fourth immediately wrapped his arms around Gemini's neck, snuggling close as if seeking comfort in his warmth.

As Gemini carried him towards the living room, Fourth's head rested against his shoulder, his breath warm against Gemini's neck. He was light, almost too light, and Gemini couldn't help but worry about how fragile he seemed in that moment.

They reached the couch, and Gemini gently set Fourth down, but before he could pull away, Fourth clung to him, his grip surprisingly strong for someone so tipsy. "Stay with me?" Fourth mumbled, his voice filled with a sleepy kind of longing.

Gemini looked down at him, and all his frustration melted away completely. How could he stay mad at someone so utterly adorable? Fourth's cheeks were still flushed, his eyes half-closed and his lips curved into a small, contented smile. He looked so innocent, so pure, and so completely different from the confident, mischievous boy Gemini was used to.

"Alright," Gemini agreed softly, sitting down beside Fourth. As soon as he did, Fourth immediately curled up against him, his small frame fitting perfectly into the curve of Gemini's body. Gemini wrapped an arm around him, holding him close as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his head.

Fourth hummed happily, nuzzling closer. "You're warm," he murmured, his voice drowsy. "And you smell good."

Gemini chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that made Fourth smile even wider. "You're the one who's had too much to drink, and you're talking about me smelling good?" he teased, though his voice was filled with affection.

Fourth nodded, his movements slow and sleepy. "Mmmhmm. You always smell nice. Like... like home."

Gemini's heart skipped a beat at the simplicity and sincerity of Fourth's words. It was moments like these that reminded him just how much he loved Fourth—how deeply and completely he was wrapped around this boy's little finger. No matter how much trouble Fourth got into, no matter how many times he made Gemini's heart race with worry, there was nothing he wouldn't do for him.

"Let's get you to bed," Gemini said softly, brushing a strand of hair away from Fourth's face. But as he moved to stand, Fourth tightened his grip, his eyes fluttering open to reveal a hint of panic.

"No, stay here," Fourth pleaded, his voice small and trembling. "I don't want to be alone."

Gemini's chest tightened at the vulnerability in Fourth's voice. He sat back down, pulling Fourth closer until the boy was practically in his lap. "I'm not going anywhere, love," he whispered, rubbing soothing circles on Fourth's back. "I'm right here."

Fourth let out a contented sigh, his body relaxing against Gemini's. "Good," he mumbled, his eyes drifting shut once more. "You make everything better, Gemini. I love you."

The words were soft, almost lost in the quiet of the room, but they hit Gemini with the force of a thousand emotions. He leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to Fourth's forehead. "I love you too, Fourth. So much."

As Fourth drifted off to sleep, Gemini stayed there, holding him close and feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest. The night had taken an unexpected turn, but as he sat there with Fourth in his arms, all he could feel was an overwhelming sense of love and protectiveness.

No matter what, Gemini knew he would always be there for Fourth—to catch him when he fell, to hold him when he was weak, and to love him with everything he had. Because no matter how much trouble Fourth got into, no matter how many mistakes he made, there was nothing that could change the way Gemini felt about him.

And as he sat there, watching over the boy he loved more than anything, Gemini knew that this was exactly where he was meant to be—right here, holding the most important person in his life, and never letting go.

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