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The bass reverberated through the dimly lit club, its deep pulse synchronizing with the flashing neon lights that bathed the dance floor in hues of red, blue, and violet. Fourth, small and lithe, moved through the crowd like a flame, his body swaying to the rhythm, all eyes on him. He loved it—loved the attention, the way people couldn't help but look, mesmerized by his effortless charm. His lips curled into a mischievous grin as he turned toward Phuwin, his partner in crime and best friend, who was just as trouble-loving as he was.

Phuwin tossed his head back, laughing as they spun around each other, their movements fluid and carefree. They were two boys who lived for the thrill, always toeing the line between innocent fun and outright defiance. Both had boyfriends who were not the type to be played with—Gemini, Fourth's hotheaded thug of a boyfriend, and Pond, Phuwin's equally intense partner, who also happened to be Gemini's closest friend. But that didn't stop them. If anything, it encouraged them.

"Think they'll notice?" Phuwin asked, his voice barely audible over the pounding music. His eyes glinted with amusement as he glanced at Fourth.

"They always do," Fourth replied, not bothering to hide his smirk. "That's what makes it fun."

Phuwin laughed, his body shaking as he twirled on the dance floor, completely at ease. They hadn't told their boyfriends where they were going tonight, of course. That would ruin the game. Instead, they'd slipped out of sight, met up at the club, and now they danced in a swirl of flashing lights and temptation. Boys approached them—because how could they not? Fourth's flirtatious glances, coupled with Phuwin's carefree laugh, were a magnet for attention.

Fourth leaned into the playful stares, brushing against one boy's arm as they danced. He knew exactly what he was doing. He always did. His smile grew when the boy caught his eye, clearly interested. This was the game—see how close he could get before Gemini inevitably found out. And Gemini always found out. Fourth wasn't foolish enough to believe otherwise. His boyfriend was possessive, sharp-eyed, and had a temper that was as explosive as it was passionate.

But Fourth loved to push those buttons. Loved to see the moment when Gemini's frustration tipped into something more, something that made his pulse quicken.

"Think they'll come looking for us?" Phuwin asked, swaying close enough to Fourth that their arms brushed together.

"Oh, I'm counting on it," Fourth teased, running a hand through his messy hair, the lights catching the glint in his eyes as he turned his attention back to the guy who had been lingering near him.

Phuwin rolled his eyes with a grin. "You're so bad."

"Says you," Fourth shot back, watching Phuwin as he flirted effortlessly with another guy who had joined their little dance circle. The two of them were like fire and gasoline—explosive when left unsupervised.

But what neither of them realized was that their time was running out.

Back at the entrance of the club, Gemini stood with his arms crossed, his expression a mask of cold fury. His jaw was clenched, and his sharp eyes scanned the crowd, looking for one particular boy. Beside him, Pond was no better, his frustration palpable as his gaze raked across the dance floor. They had arrived minutes ago after realizing their boyfriends had disappeared without a word. And they weren't exactly surprised to find them here, at the club, without so much as a heads-up.

"They really thought they could get away with this?" Pond muttered, his voice low but filled with irritation. His eyes locked onto Phuwin, who was dancing as if he hadn't a care in the world.

"They always think that," Gemini growled, his hands curling into fists at his sides. His eyes finally landed on Fourth, who was far too close to another boy for his liking, leaning in, laughing, teasing. Fourth might think this was a game, but Gemini was done playing.

Pond's lip curled into a smirk. "Should we remind them who they belong to?"

"Oh, I intend to." Gemini's voice was dark with promise, his patience wearing thin.

With a final glance exchanged between them, the two boys stalked forward, their presence cutting through the crowd like a storm rolling in. Neither of their boyfriends had noticed them yet, too wrapped up in their fun. But that was about to change.

Gemini reached Fourth first, his hand gripping his boyfriend's shoulder with an iron grip. The sudden pressure startled Fourth, and he froze mid-dance, his heart skipping a beat as he turned to face Gemini's cold, unamused expression. There was no playing this off—not with Gemini looking at him like that.

"Having fun?" Gemini's voice was sharp, his grip tightening as he pulled Fourth closer, his eyes dark and dangerous.

Fourth blinked up at him, a nervous but coquettish smile tugging at his lips. He knew this look. He had seen it before, the one where Gemini was teetering between fury and something else, something much more intense. And though he should have been worried, Fourth couldn't help but find the thrill in it.

"Gemini, baby, I didn't expect to see you here," Fourth purred, trying to slip into his usual charming routine. He gave Gemini a playful smile, batting his eyelashes, as if that would melt the tension in the air.

But tonight, it wasn't going to work.

"Oh, I'm sure you didn't," Gemini snapped, pulling him even closer until their faces were inches apart. His voice dropped to a dangerous whisper. "What do you think you're doing?"

Fourth's heart pounded in his chest, though it wasn't from fear. He loved this—loved the chase, the way Gemini got all possessive when he flirted with other boys. It was thrilling, addictive. But he also knew he was pushing it, and from the look in Gemini's eyes, tonight wasn't the night to test him further.

Meanwhile, Pond had caught up with Phuwin, grabbing his boyfriend by the wrist and pulling him away from the dance floor. "And you?" Pond's voice was deceptively calm, though the tension in his jaw betrayed his true feelings. "You thought I wouldn't find out?"

Phuwin smiled sheepishly, knowing he had been caught but trying to play it cool. "It's just a little dancing, Pond. No big deal."

"No big deal?" Pond repeated, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't even tell me where you were going."

Phuwin shrugged, still grinning, though he knew he was in for it later. "I was with Fourth. You know how it is."

Pond's eyes narrowed, but he didn't say anything more, instead tugging Phuwin toward the exit where Gemini was already leading Fourth. The two troublemakers exchanged a glance, both knowing they had been caught, but neither could help the thrill that still buzzed in their veins. This was how it always went—the game of cat and mouse, the thrill of being chased.

As they made their way out of the club, Fourth leaned into Gemini's side, his voice low and teasing, "You're so hot when you're mad."

Gemini shot him a glare, though there was a flicker of something else in his eyes, something Fourth knew all too well. "Keep it up," he muttered darkly, his grip on Fourth's hand tightening as they pushed through the doors and into the night air.

Fourth's smile only widened, knowing that while the night might have ended with them being caught, the real fun was just beginning.

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